Thread: ELDEN RING |OT| One Ring To Rule Them All (Decent Internet Connection Recommended).
Official Thread
Elden Ring is speaking to my soul.

My missus is starting this tonight, it's her first ever souls game. I've bigged it up as a spiritual successor to BOTW (which she has completely mastered, 100% hard mode including sword challenge).
I have a feeling I will be doing most of the combat, but that's cool, her job is being ridiculously fastidious in finding out every secret, so I'm hoping she'll furnish our character with everything required to give me half a chance (I'm terrible at souls games).
Hoping for a lovely coop experience.
My missus is starting this tonight, it's her first ever souls game. I've bigged it up as a spiritual successor to BOTW (which she has completely mastered, 100% hard mode including sword challenge).
I have a feeling I will be doing most of the combat, but that's cool, her job is being ridiculously fastidious in finding out every secret, so I'm hoping she'll furnish our character with everything required to give me half a chance (I'm terrible at souls games).
Hoping for a lovely coop experience.
OH BOY, don't watch for the first 20 hours unless you like seeing awful rape and full rage.

BOTW even on hard isn't shit compared to this.
OH BOY, don't watch for the first 20 hours unless you like seeing awful rape and full rage.

BOTW even on hard isn't shit compared to this.

I hear you!
I have completed Bloodborne. I would say the BOTW sword challenge on Hard mode is comparably difficult.

Edit: To clarify, I don't mean bosses. Just the sword challenge is incredibly difficult to complete. So in the sense of the moment to moment gameplay of Eldin Ring, I'm hoping at least we will fair reasonably well while exploring. Bosses will be another matter altogether. Or we'll just get our arses handed to us across the board, heyho!
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I was very tempted by that and a few classes, but I went generic first class. Tried to make myself, but I don’t have a creative eye so I gave up half way through. Short dark hair and an approximate skin tone is close enough, I’ll have helmets on anyway.

I expect to make about 50 characters through the game’s life if it’s as good as DS1, so there’s plenty of time to work my way through the offerings. I’m not fasting rolling yet, so it’s actually a bit of a process adapting away from the Limp Bizkit play style.

All of the classes look brilliant, they did a good job making them all appealling
This is really the problem with making custom characters in these games. You immediately get gear that covers up every bit of customization for the entirety of the game. It’s just not worth the time or effort.
The opening narrator seems pretty enthusiastic. I only played for a few hours today after work. Went out and got blown up by a dragon, then got sucked off by a treasure chest, and transported to a North Korean prison camp complete with bugmen, then found a literal boys club (banned) and wandered that area for almost an hour trying to beat an NPC invader and looking for an exit before I finally set my pride aside and looked for a solution online.

Game seems like it has promise, but it feels like a Soulsborne reskin on purpose. I wasn't expecting it to blow my mind as it's a cross gen title, but graphically it's underwhelming. Which is fine.

I'm gonna wait until my days off where I can properly jump in before making any concrete judgments. Enjoyed what I played so far.
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Played about 3 hours last night. Had fun though didn't change my life or anything. Playing on PS5 which ran well enough on the performance mode but the graphic quality mode had a lot of framerate issues with seemingly minimal visual upgrade. Not gonna be one of those dorks who runs this in PS4 Pro mode though.
Counting down the minutes until I go home and play. I decided as Samurai for my starting class. I never used ranged much in a Souls game so I want to work the bow into my gameplay, on my first character at least.
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It's solid 60 fps so far except rare small stuttering on area load, I suppose. But I didn't go far away from starting area yet.
All settings on High except Motion blur and Depth of field, which I turn off in every game anyway.

Counting down the minutes until I go home and play. I decided as Samurai for my starting class. I never used ranged much in a Souls game so I want to work the bow into my gameplay, on my first character at least.

Uchigatana was my favorite weapon in DS, so I didn't think twice about Samurai.
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Only got a chance to build a character and do part of the tutorial last night. Went with the class that starts with nothing but a club. Really enjoying how the game feels, but I noticed the framerate was capped at 60 and I didn't see any options in game to uncap it. Does anyone know if it's possible to do so?
Yeah I won’t be able to continue on PC like this. The stuttering is just too much and for the love of god, can we NOT lock games on 60fps?! This isn’t console ffs!

Nothing surprising to be honest. Another poorly optimised game on PC. I will wait for a patch then carry on
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I started downloading. Decided on PS5.

I’m gonna be that wretch thing. Never played the souls games. But I did spend a few hours in Assassins Creed on the PS3.

Always remember to git gud, the rest is pretty straight forward. Ok maybe not the story. Or lore. Or item descriptions. Or hidden gameplay mechanics. Or...

Looking forward to your impressions.