Thread: ELDEN RING |OT| One Ring To Rule Them All (Decent Internet Connection Recommended).
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Eh, souls games and AC games, I'm sure everyone will agree they're pretty much the same. I look forward to hearing about your experience as a souls newb. ;)
Well my plan is to spend about 5 minutes in the game after never playing the souls games and report back how I think the game should be fixed.

Edit. Starting right now

Edit 2 call me Teen Wolf


Edit 4. Is there a difficulty option? Did I miss that?
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Do you think I should buy it on PS4 Pro or Xbox One X or just wait till I get better console hardware? I do have a very beefy PC but I always play Souls games on a console.
I have never played a Souls game or anything that FROM has made (miss their Armored Core series something fierce thought), but one thing I do enjoy is watching let's plays of their games from people who know how to play, but don't cheese their way through.

Not the point, the point is, I think it was the first Souls game where there was such little information on the game as a whole, be it just letting the user figure it out or terrible translation due to culture/ideas that figuring out what stuff did or what to do was part of the fun. There was a situation where you could get eggs on your head? And eventually they hatched into some sort of horror on you?

Never knew what that was about, but I thought it was pretty cool that something like that happened and at the time you didn't know why or what, but only that it was.

Here is hoping there is more of this type of stuff in Elden Ring.
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Finally ran into the first "real" boss. Yeah I am going to level some more lol.

Character is finally starting to look good.... pretty geared out. I dont know if want to level up my super cool great sword or wait until I can use the hammer I got off one of the bosses.... damn decisions.



I suckle from the teet.

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Watched a playthrough for a bit and having gotten frustrated with the dude not exploring thoroughly I caved and bought the game. Put a bit of time into it. Went with the Samurai for the bow, but I must admit I'm not quite feeling it (seems so alien in comparison to the setting), so I may well change to the warrior or the thief (I'm just noodling atm tbh). Anyway haven't done too far outside the initial area, though I killed my first troll. The one patrolling up from the beach towards the west, however whatever the hell those things are on the beach look utterly horrific and well beyond me, so I figure leave them be until I'm a double-hard bastard with better weapons and equipment.
Watched a playthrough for a bit and having gotten frustrated with the dude not exploring thoroughly I caved and bought the game. Put a bit of time into it. Went with the Samurai for the bow, but I must admit I'm not quite feeling it (seems so alien in comparison to the setting), so I may well change to the warrior or the thief (I'm just noodling atm tbh). Anyway haven't done too far outside the initial area, though I killed my first troll. The one patrolling up from the beach towards the west, however whatever the hell those things are on the beach look utterly horrific and well beyond me, so I figure leave them be until I'm a double-hard bastard with better weapons and equipment.
Starting class really doesn't mean much, beyond the stats. Samurai is a great choice if you're going Dex and the unsheathe ability is great

So ACG says the Day One patch borks the game somewhat markedly from the review code, particularly on the PC so he’s changed his review to “Wait.” Very interesting.
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Really enjoying the game overall, but the open world feels unnecessary. 9 times out of 10 I find a cool area thinking how there has to be something cool hidden here only to be disappointed with little more than a common crafting ingredient or even nothing at all. Even the few optional hidden caves and cellars that I’ve found have been mostly disappointing.

Overall this game would have been better being less open with a more curated level design. It’s still a great game so far, but i don’t personally like the open world.
I think picking Warrior as my class was a mistake. I feel like I need some long range choices here. I'm getting wrecked by some Siamese looking Cat boss that it's probably a piece of cake for long time Souls players. Also because I didn't know how to level up I lost a shit ton of runes. I just read that I have to visit 3 Sites of Grace in the open world. A restart is in order.
I think picking Warrior as my class was a mistake. I feel like I need some long range choices here. I'm getting wrecked by some Siamese looking Cat boss that it's probably a piece of cake for long time Souls players. Also because I didn't know how to level up I lost a shit ton of runes. I just read that I have to visit 3 Sites of Grace in the open world. A restart is in order.
Don’t fret I skipped this boss as well. He’s super hard and I marked it and left. He was by far the hardest boss in the south region and I even summoned other people to help.

The best boss fight I’ve had so far in the game is all the way at the very south of the world. It only took like 5 attempts but it was super creative how I played it.

10 hours into the game and I just realized the horse has a double jump.
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Don’t fret I skipped this boss as well. He’s super hard and I marked it and left. He was by far the hardest boss in the south region and I even summoned other people to help.

The best boss fight I’ve had so far in the game is all the way at the very south of the world. It only took like 5 attempts but it was super creative how I played it.

10 hours into the game and I just realized the horse has a double jump.
I just destroyed that stupid cat on my first try since restarting the game. I'm rolling with a Confessor this time around and the class feels just right. I'm level 16. Tbh the summonings are a life saver, while the cat was busy with my 5 ghost nobles I got a tons of hits in. Loving this game.
I just destroyed that stupid cat on my first try since restarting the game. I'm rolling with a Confessor this time around and the class feels just right. I'm level 16. Tbh the summonings are a life saver, while the cat was busy with my 5 ghost nobles I got a tons of hits in. Loving this game.
I’m running a Confessor, too. Went in blind and I tend to like faith builds. Pleasantly surprised I have ended up as a pyromancer.
I like the pots, they are like bottles from Zelda. Like using them as firebombs on all things plant, though the material is still sarce to come by.

I really, really enjoy that you can go at your own pace, explore and upgrade your gear, weapons as you go along. They don't even break!

Finally beat Margit the Fell Omen. Last duel had us both at our last bit of health, it was insane.

Making my way through Stormveil Castle.

Ghost nobles are bros. Already helped with 2-3 side bosses.

Pledged knighthood to that one lord who is totally not crazy after clearing his fort of monsters, maybe I'll learn some cool techniques.

Was suprised when I entered some ruins, beat a boss and stumbled across the sorceress teacher, instead of yet another shrine.

Also those portals to the prison realms? Yeah, those bosses make every boss bar the lake dragon and mounted giant dude with giant weapon near the start so far look beatable. I take it those are mid-endgame bosses?
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Yeah I had to play offline, tbh though I didn't miss the massive amount of message spam however.
I actually quite like the messages. Some are witty, then there's the question of whether they're being helpful or trolling you. Do you trust the other guy? I like it tbh.

Done some killing this morning, taking out some of the soldier chaps on the overworld, favouring the sneak up and stab quickly approach. Took out some animals, found the chap selling cragting kits and bought one. Ended up in a cave with some wolves and.. yeah I died. Repeatedly.

The thing is this is a game that really makes you work. Always that feeling of danger. Every fight you have to work for, and honestly it's fucking glorious. The art style is lovely too. Definitely getting some BOTW vibes from the game, the influence is clear, but of course it does its own souls thing too. Having a great time with it so far, despite my lack of real experience of Souls games.
Beyond anything I’ve ever played. Trying to not be hyperbolic, but the only thing that could improve upon this for me was if it were a persistent, growing MMO (I assume that’s the next iteration). This is the kind of game you never want to end.

Edit: Faith build is broken af once you get the Chaos laser fire eyes shit.
5 hours in the game, absolutely love it! Maybe it's the morning patch, but I haven't noticed the stuttering yet. There was minor frame rate dips in rainy forest area on the way, but I switched the grass to Medium and it's gone. Everything other is on High. Thanks God, I was on time with PC upgrade, the game is gorgeous!

Don't use mount at all, going slowly on foot where the games wants me to go thoroughly exploring on the way, enjoying vistas, hoarding materials. Love the system of flasks replenishment on killing enemy groups.