Thread: ELDEN RING |OT| One Ring To Rule Them All (Decent Internet Connection Recommended).
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Wait. Downloaded and now back to APP NOT RELEASED....

fuck off steam!
Same. Restarted steam, unpacking.
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Reactions: Zefah
What the hell is this roll out even?

Was there any point to a pre-load if its just going to load the entire thing again?
You download it encrypted - it needs to then be decrypted, I'm guessing they send out the key when it's ready to go, and the client uses that key to decrypt it, which is why it's so fucking slow. It spreads the load for their servers, rather than everyone downloading at once and getting 100k/s.
No way out of the options menu in mouse mode, it’s ignoring my controller. Messy. Seems this is quite a widespread issue.
Had some random multiple second freezes where all usage seems to drop to 0, but other than that it's been mostly smooth on my monitor. You can see the tiny stutters, but they aren't noticeable with G-Sync. It may be a different story when I play on my TV. I haven't tried a proper outside area yet, but so far as you can see the RAM hasn't been eaten up like I expected yet. It's more of a CPU bottleneck, which I may fix with the OC I keep mentioning but not doing. Mostly medium settings so far, looks more than fine for me.
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Reactions: Mirabilis
Just beat the first boss in the cave…. More like a mini boss but I had to go through the smoke. Died a handful of times…. I need to shake off the rust.

No other games feel like souls game as they peel back there layers. And Fuck that horse guy. Run right around him.
Just beat the first boss in the cave…. More like a mini boss but I had to go through the smoke. Died a handful of times…. I need to shake off the rust.

No other games feel like souls game as they peel back there layers. And Fuck that horse guy. Run right around him.
There's a boss in a cave? I must have missed that. Horse guy can absolutely fuck off, agreed.