Thread: Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun |OT| Space Marine 2.5D
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I finished the game, it took me 6 hours, 2 hours per chapter, around 15 minutes per mission. A real blast, enjoyed my time with it a lot. Some later missions have a bit messy layout and without a map or any kind of guide feature it took me a while to get my bearings. I'm certain that if I knew all the maps perfectly well I could have shaved off at least an hour which was spent backtracking and looking for the right doors. The first few missions are the best with their linear structure, the later DOOM like levels were a bit meh at times. Still, the gameplay is excellent throughout.
One more word on performance.

I saw the game not being able to maintain 144fps, so I locked it at 120. Which it holds during combat and the most intense scenes
.... After you entered a new area and after the first seconds of combat.

You can see it in the clip I posted above. Flat 120, but dips to 90fps, then goes back to 120 and stays there. I checked my system, it's barely doing anything, it's bad programming. Obviously, a game like that should run at 144fps without any dips on my system.
Hmm I should try it on my laptop with its 144mhz screen. 1070GTX ought to drive that at 1080p right?
Any complaints on Switch? Seems like a good game for work. Shit might probably buy tomorrow knowing me anyways 🤣🤣🤣
Yeah this shit is confusing.
Follow the large red emblems until you fall downwards after one portal amd notice the smaller emblem on the floor. I think you turn left and then it curves downwards a bit and then turn right and jump across. It's that portal on the left side, on the wall a short jump from a ledge.
Yeah this shit is confusing.
Follow the large red emblems until you fall downwards after one portal amd notice the smaller emblem on the floor. I think you turn left and then it curves downwards a bit and then turn right and jump across. It's that portal on the left side, on the wall a short jump from a ledge.

Yeah I figured it out not long after I posted. Guess I was just tired yesterday.
Yeah I figured it out not long after I posted. Guess I was just tired yesterday.

Some of the level designs are a bit shit tbh. I am now stuck on a weird level towards the end of chapter 2 and I can't find the freaking door I need to exit (or the key, I don't remember... was late last evening and I was very tired).

The game should have either have a map, or better level design, or at least some better navigation pointers.

Fucking awesome carnage, tho.
Some of the level designs are a bit shit tbh. I am now stuck on a weird level towards the end of chapter 2 and I can't find the freaking door I need to exit (or the key, I don't remember... was late last evening and I was very tired).

The game should have either have a map, or better level design, or at least some better navigation pointers.

Fucking awesome carnage, tho.

I get lost in a lot of these old school type doom games tbh
I started another run, this time on Exterminatus difficulty. I'm very pleasantly surprised by the fact that the enemys' HP is not increased, there is just a lot more of them and their quality is generally higher and their damage is higher. Very fun difficulty so far.
Ok so I just tested it, the game doesn't care about your hardware, resolution or other settings. On PC, the shader stutter that happens in certain places can't be avoided.

Again, my rig:
8700K @4,8ghz
32gb RAM @3,8ghz

The game can't hold a steady 60fps at 1080p and the lowest settings.

And for the lulz, I went 1080p, lowest settings, 30fps cap. Not even that. It had drops to 29fps. I love the game, but that's embarrassing. Most of the game runs fine though, it's just these dumb stutters from time to time.

I am not really enjoying the third chapter. The difficulty has been rumped up to ridiculous levels and it's not particularly fun having to circle around a room with constantly spawning enemies, half of them behind you.
I am not really enjoying the third chapter. The difficulty has been rumped up to ridiculous levels and it's not particularly fun having to circle around a room with constantly spawning enemies, half of them behind you.

I'm in chapter 2 and Im starting to get burned out. The Lord of Change you fight in this level felt like he could not be beaten until I found the damage modifier pick up and just ran around tanking damage and focusing on him. The constantly respawning lower enemies gets really old during boss battles.
I'm in chapter 2 and Im starting to get burned out. The Lord of Change you fight in this level felt like he could not be beaten until I found the damage modifier pick up and just ran around tanking damage and focusing on him. The constantly respawning lower enemies gets really old during boss battles.

Yep, there are some areas that cannot be beaten without finding the damage modifier.

I am starting to burn out on the game as well. The level design gets a bit worse and the battles are not really fun anymore. Some enemies can take half you life with a couple of hits.

Chapter 3 is much worse in terms of difficulty and tight areas with too many respawning enemies than 2. I think I had the most fun in chapter 1.
I know I’m in the minority here, but I’m really not enjoying this one.
After playing games like Prodeus, and Nightmare Reaper, this feels like this is a step back.
I’m well into episode 2 and so far I feel let down.

The movement feels floaty. Some of the sound effects are grating. Some enemies take far too long to kill (then come back to life?) and the level design ranges from “pretty good” to “bad”. The game just doesn’t feel “fun” to me. More like “work”

I think I’ll take a long break and return to this in the future.
  • 100%
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Towards the end of chapter 2. Level layouts got more complex and I had to wrap my head around some of them. Was still fun for me and not bad. New weapons are great and I enjoy using them, some very intense combat scenes and bosses.

I always play the game in like 45min bursts, maybe that's why I don't get burned out. Shit slams.

I finished CH1 on Exterminatus while also hunting all the secrets, which is why it took me a week to do. I have to say though that putting Machine Spirit inside of the plasma gun is such a massive boost compared to all the other weapons that it isn't even funny. Other weapons get a small buff like a bit higher damage, rate of fire, penetration etc. but with the plasma gun you get: increased mag size (from 12 to 18), about triple rate of fire and self-damage is removed completely. Against bosses there is no substitute. And if you get the Aura of Doom then KEK, you turn into a Photoshop eraser tool.
That motherfucker at the end of Chapter 2 was so hard (playing on hard difficulty). Took a TON of damage, teleporting all over the place, spawning strong as hell enemies. Only like one health pack around and barely any ammo for my stronger weapons. The game was a walk in the park so far for me, but he was rough.

I read online that you could pick up a Vortex grenade in the level leading up to him, which takes around half his health away. But guess what, there are different routes and I took the other one, without having a save to reload.

That was a crazy fight and I died a lot.
Yeah I hated that fight.
That motherfucker at the end of Chapter 2 was so hard (playing on hard difficulty). Took a TON of damage, teleporting all over the place, spawning strong as hell enemies. Only like one health pack around and barely any ammo for my stronger weapons. The game was a walk in the park so far for me, but he was rough.

I read online that you could pick up a Vortex grenade in the level leading up to him, which takes around half his health away. But guess what, there are different routes and I took the other one, without having a save to reload.

That was a crazy fight and I died a lot.
  • This tbh
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The vortex grenade is just great for dispatching bosses. Only just beat the Lord of Change last night but it was a sweaty encounter until I remembered I had that in my toolset. Fucker went down in around 12 seconds.

Yeah I'll hold onto those Vortex grenades for the boss fights. Wish I had one for the Sorcerer in Chapter 2. Can't imagine fighting an even more difficult battle without the Vortex tbh. Would break me on Hard.
  • Hell Yeah!
Reactions: Amorous Biscuit
I'm close to the end, like two or three missions remaining.

One of my biggest criticisms of the game is that after around half the playtime, you've seen all weapons and enemies. Which gets old after some intense battles, when in starts being the same enemy types over and over.
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I encountered some weird behavior on PC. Controller plugged in, but not using it, the buttons and some menus kept flickering back and forth between MKB and controller inputs, which was distracting. I unplugged the controller, causing the game to pause and saying I should plug in a controller.... and I couldn't get out of it with MKB. Like, no chance other than force closing the game. So dumb.
Finally beat the game. Some of the last encounters were a lot of fun. That last boss battle though was such a loooooooooooong ass battle, like three phases of the asshole teleporting dude with tons of health and endless other enemies. The area was cool though and I had a good time moving around.

Overall very solid game, despite its shortcomings.
This is an excellent game, I haven't finished it because I've been messing with Tears of the Kingdom as well but tbh, I'm enjoying Boltgun more than TOTK. TOTK is starting to feel a bit like a chore because the world is just too damn big. Sega really messed up not keeping this specific Space Marine arc under Relic but then we wouldn't probably have this FPS if Sega had kept it under their tent.
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This is an excellent game, I haven't finished it because I've been messing with Tears of the Kingdom as well but tbh, I'm enjoying Boltgun more than TOTK. TOTK is starting to feel a bit like a chore because the world is just too damn big. Sega really messed up not keeping this specific Space Marine arc under Relic but then we wouldn't probably have this FPS if Sega had kept it under their tent.

Glad you're enjoying the game! I feel like Boltgun, as limited, budget and small scale as it is, is a great glimpse of what could be possible with this IP in the shooter genre.

A real shame that we don't have a big budget Spaced Marine FPS. I guess Space Marine 2 is the closest we'll get.