Thread: The Commodore Amiga Thread
Well I got this arcade cabinet, one of those 2500 games in one thingies. Got it for my 40th. Its playing up, and I thought instead of sorting it, maybe replacing the internals with the Mister and hitting up said mate (the one who just got his mini Amiga) for a crt monitor. He's got a few. Mmmmmm.......
Be aware that while it does a cracking job with basically all the 8 and 16 bit computers and consoles, and now the PS1 with the Saturn on the way, the selection of arcade stuff is still considerably more limited than MAME. It's very very good, no doubt, but it's smaller in number.

Soft mod your A500 Mini with this simple guide. We can use ADF, enter Amiberry configuration, use Workbench and much more!

As it is a software mod, it is easily reversed- simply by either not using your USB stick, or not running the file from the menu.
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Definitely an interesting project, though for me TheA500 is just a Raspberry Pi with some emulator software on it - it lacks authenticity, to me it's not a real amiga, so it's just a raspberry pi in an A1200 shell. Personally I'm far more interested in using real hardware or an FPGA implementation of the hardware since those implementations can actually plug into the old hardware (ie you can replace broken chips etc) and function pretty much perfectly which is super cool. I know I'm probably being a snob, but I just feel like these ARM emulation solutions are a dead end.
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Interesting to see a MSM article focused on the Amiga and its role in music production. Interesting read.

Thing is the Amiga wasn’t bad but for studio use the Atari ST was king.

A game or Lionheart or Dungeon Master seems like a good idea on this bleak Melbourne Sunday!
It is quite cold and dark. Good Amiga weather.

I'm watching the Pies/Hawks game. Good Pies winning weather.

Maria Renard's Revenge is an Amiga Castlevania fan game developed by Domkid using the Scorpion Engine.

You play as Maria Renard, she is a young vampire huntress, daughter of distant kinship with the House of Belmont, who has to traverse through dangerous landscapes and fight many monsters, while defending herself with the use of a bird that protects her from harm...

Beta 0.5 Version

System requirements

- Amiga 1200 or Amiga CD32 console with 1Mo FastRam
- The A500 Mini




A new fantasy retro side scrolling action game.

Defend humanity from a surprise attack by the mystical creatures of the world of Nnar in this side-scrolling action game coming to modern platforms and then classic Amiga and hopefully MegaDrive as well.

Game Features:
  • Classic 16 bit Graphics
  • Fast action classic side-scrolling gameplay
  • Fantastic original soundtrack by Allister Brimble


Looking forward to the A500 gaming chronicles episode (madea kickstarter donation).

BTW, if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend From Bedrooms to Billions – The Amiga Years.
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We all know the ST is superior you Amiga fucks.

I always preferred the ST, even with the gimped sound compared to the Amiga. My first 16 bit computer and I've got an incredible fondness for it.

Amiga was a nice machine too. I just preferred Atari when it came to home computers back then.

A shame everything basically became IBM clones with MS DOS trash over here back then.