Thread: Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Thread (Update: Reviews)
I don’t understand. Who looks at (t)his work and says: hell yeah those are some nice ass costumes I created.

Even if you want to make them woke it’s just 100% bad from all angles. With the bones sticking out from random places and the color splashes. Who finds this appealing? Even as a 10 year old I would say wtf is this crap? I feel personally offended lol.

This is either lazy or someone did this who has absolutely no idea how to design characters/costumes.

0/10 (and hope it sells 0)

The design is shitty. You have this sort of high tech outfit with a wrist mounted device and tubes and some kind of insulated thermal material but around the neck there’s this shitty little frock of fur and a flagpole rag. And of course it’s wearing what appears to be a pair of Oakleys underneath its high tech helmet lol. Completely uncohesive design.
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This is probably gonna be Norah Fries. In her world, Victoria is the one with the disease. Why? Because in modern alternate universes everyone is a dyke

No doubt, it would be nice to collect a paycheck from company that clearly doesn't worry about a release schedule or meeting quality standards.

I'm guessing they won't be on this list next year after EA or TenCent buys them.
I do enjoy watching a fiery disaster unfold... gonna be an occasion when this one reaches the ground and all those aboard are left dazed and somehow confused by their newly unemployed status.
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Also, a youtube video for the hyperactive:

Yeah I'm not buying this, this makes it sound all too convenient "hey, the raid boss villain left the company so we're totally clean, and our next project will be a return to form, trust us guys! Promise!".

And of course, Schreier wouldn't dare mention SBI's involvement, the guy has a career I imagine he'd like to keep.
Why are you guys entertaining that shutdown rumour still? It's confirmed they're not shutting down, not even firing developers or having layoffs either, they'll be still going for now, a large portion would be making a "Director's Cut" re-release of Hogwarts Legacy, and the rest are scrambling to pitch a new single player game. It's all in the links in my previous message.
Why are you guys entertaining that shutdown rumour still? It's confirmed they're not shutting down, not even firing developers or having layoffs either, they'll be still going for now, a large portion would be making a "Director's Cut" re-release of Hogwarts Legacy, and the rest are scrambling to pitch a new single player game. It's all in the links in my previous message.

Oh god, I dread to think what changes these lunatics will try to sneak into a Harry Potter game.
Why are you guys entertaining that shutdown rumour still? It's confirmed they're not shutting down, not even firing developers or having layoffs either, they'll be still going for now, a large portion would be making a "Director's Cut" re-release of Hogwarts Legacy, and the rest are scrambling to pitch a new single player game. It's all in the links in my previous message.

They're lucky to have all the Harry Potter money that saved them. Curious what kind of game they'll tackle next and what lessons they learned. My guess: not the right ones.

Dude is kind of sad even though his point is sound. He’s so up his own ass on his race that he can’t see that it isn’t just black women being uglied up.

Design any color woman and she’s gonna come back looking like a fucking troglodyte, my brother.

I said it before but it's funny that someone's consulting job is to look at beautiful woman and tell the dev to flatten the ass and chest widen the chin amd shoulders and make her face ugly. I also wonder how many meetings and redesigns they have to go through until the consultant is satisfied that the character is ugly enough. I wonder if their title at the company director of killing boners of something.

And fuck this guy. Imagine how long he has been sitting on this and how many of his designs were uglyfied before he even spoke up. It must be really bad for him to make a post about it since he is so worried about gamergate and the right wing. Even though everything being said is true his liberal brain can't compute that fact .
I said it before but it's funny that someone's consulting job is to look at beautiful woman and tell the dev to flatten the ass and chest widen the chin amd shoulders and make her face ugly. I also wonder how many meetings and redesigns they have to go through until the consultant is satisfied that the character is ugly enough. I wonder if their title at the company director of killing boners of something.

And fuck this guy. Imagine how long he has been sitting on this and how many of his designs were uglyfied before he even spoke up. It must be really bad for him to make a post about it since he is so worried about gamergate and the right wing. Even though everything being said is true his liberal brain can't compute that fact .

Why would he care if he's getting paid though?
Working for a big developer like Rocksteady (and maybe having options to move within WB through that) is not exactly just making games for the passion of it.
If he's in it for his career or the money then he'll just do what he's told to do.

I don't even think a lot of these devs would think of maybe some kind of impact on culture or society.
If anything I would guess the culture within these companies is kind of "anti-consumer" in a lot of ways.

I wouldn't be surprised if a condition attached to the level of financial investment in the game is that they are obligated to take orders from the consultancy groups. Pretty certain of that now actually.

The choices are probably quit your job look elsewhere in an industry where everyone is the same anyway or just shut up and get paid.

Dude is kind of sad even though his point is sound. He’s so up his own ass on his race that he can’t see that it isn’t just black women being uglied up.

Design any color woman and she’s gonna come back looking like a fucking troglodyte, my brother.

Give me a hot woman of color. I’m fine with it. Just don’t do this fucked up nasty stuff that gaming currently is experiencing. Don’t give me men in women clothing. Gtfo with this shit.