Thread: Hostile Faceoff: Bloodborne vs Pokemon Red/Blue

Which is the better game?

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Each Weekday here on D-Pad we pit two highly rated games against each other, to ultimately find out the best game of all time. Voting is open for 24 hours, with different time zones it's best to just look at the time the first post was made. For a full list of the top 95 qualifying games, along with the results so far, see this thread here.

What is your favourite game and why? Perhaps you can convince others in the comments below.

Today we have;

You guys are trolling lol.

Bloodborne all day, everyday.
Bloodborne is like the thousandth game of a series. It is also the first where I just didn't have the drive to finish. After a few hours I just didn't find much enjoyment in it compared to the previous games. Pokémon's first gen is a landmark in video game history that started one of the greatest franchises of all time. Bloodborne lol...
Surely you can have more fun just messing about in a room breaking furniture or running about the first level than you can playing the entirety of Pokemon Red/Blue in 2022. 🤔🙌
  • Brain
Reactions: DonDonDonPata
Same I had a blast with blue/red, yellow and Silver back in the day. But its definitely not something I'd want to play again compared to a modern title like Bloodborne. Only pass is for some people I know they *hate* the souls formula lol.
  • Triggered
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I played remake on GBA and I didn't get it. Bloodborne looks like it could potentially be fun. I don't care either way.
Bloodborne is like the thousandth game of a series. It is also the first where I just didn't have the drive to finish. After a few hours I just didn't find much enjoyment in it compared to the previous games. Pokémon's first gen is a landmark in video game history that started one of the greatest franchises of all time. Bloodborne lol...
The irony lmao. Pokémon is shit for toddlers. Every game is the fucking same and it's also made for toddlers. Bloodborne is dark souls 5 but at least it's not brain dead baby garbage.
Both franchises are shit btw.

Pokémon Red, easily

They're fun little JRPGs. Earlier games were better. I favor Red and Ruby specifically.
  • Star
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Pokémon was a lot of fun in middle school. I remember having a link cable run under the table in computer class battling a friend, getting caught and having our GBs taken away. My mom had to ask the principal for it back and I had to promise to leave it home.

BB didn’t click with me the first two times I tried playing it. I gave it a third time on a whim and it hit me hard that time for some reason. I was glued to it until the end.

Pokémon was a great game in its time most likely due to my age. I tried the GBA remake last year and got bored within an hour. I voted BB since it is the better game.
Bloodborne is the peak of thw Soul's series


the way I see it, there are three kind of Souls nerds

Bloodborne is the peak for muh atmosphere and lore and visual design
Sekiro is the peak for muh combat mechanics
Elden Ring (presumably, haven't played it yet) is the peak for muh build variety and interconnected world

Then there's the cereal-eaters outside the club fondling copies of Dark Souls 2 muh muh online multiplayer experience
  • Brain
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the way I see it, there are three kind of Souls nerds

Bloodborne is the peak for muh atmosphere and lore and visual design
Sekiro is the peak for muh combat mechanics
Elden Ring (presumably, haven't played it yet) is the peak for muh build variety and interconnected world

Then there's the cereal-eaters outside the club fondling copies of Dark Souls 2 muh muh online multiplayer experience
I would say Bloodborne is the best at all three of the things you listed, actually.
I never saw a red/blue combo pack.

I was in elementary school when pokemon hit. I had blue version and I played through it 3-4 times. Ironically after that I was basically done with pokemon, especially after playing the first pokemon stadium.

Tried BB on PS4 but it gave me a headache.
  • Strength
Reactions: Mickmrly
I'd say the first 3 gens of Pokemon were the best of the franchise. I do love the first gen in particular, not only because Yellow was my first game but also because I really like the older RPG's that aren't too grindy.
Even though there were only 20 item slots, at least the games had some originality and actually improved gen after gen (something sorely lacking in modern equivalents).

I also love the attack animations in the first gen, pure awesomeness.

This isn't even close for me. Never cared about Pokemon but I did try one of the newest switch ones a few years back. It was a cheap, easy shit game for little kids. I just don't understand it.
Love Bloodborne but getting Pokemon Red when it released was really something. I haven't really played any Pokemon after. I did try one of newer ones couple years ago but ehhhhhh. I think ill go with Pokemon here.
I enjoyed the hell out Pokemon (I had the Blue). It was super simple but since all the Pokemon were new to me and it was portable I would play it all the time. I was a big fan of the DigDugTrio spam unless it was against a flying Pokemon.

Have never been able to get into Bloodborne. I have tried it on at least three occasions and never got more than an hour in each time. Just not the biggest fan of FromSoft Souls type games.
Another apples to oranges comparison. @Hostile_18 you're good at picking difficult choices, I like it. Bloodborne presumably takes the crown for so many people for good reason, but Pokemon was a cultural phenomenon that spawned a 25 year legacy. But if it's what I'd rather play right now, I'd pick the gameplay focused sequel over the buggy OG. That's not a choice either way, and that's because I haven't actually played Bloodborne so it wouldn't be fair.

the way I see it, there are three kind of Souls nerds

Bloodborne is the peak for muh atmosphere and lore and visual design
Sekiro is the peak for muh combat mechanics
Elden Ring (presumably, haven't played it yet) is the peak for muh build variety and interconnected world

Then there's the cereal-eaters outside the club fondling copies of Dark Souls 2 muh muh online multiplayer experience
ER takes build variety thanks to customisable weapon skills and freedom of options thanks to QoL upgrades, but definitely not the interconnected world. That implies clever world design, but it's just an open world (for better or worse). Good legacy dungeons, but it's not like you're ever going to be surprised at where you end up following an unbroken path. Dark Souls 1 is still the king of interconnected world design, being the only spider web world (I haven't played BB so it may be better).