Thread: Hostile Faceoff: Bloodborne vs Pokemon Red/Blue

Which is the better game?

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Even though the duration is officially 24 hours, we should probably all make an agreement that as long as the poll is open, the votes should count. The poll is closed when it's closed.

Not everyone gets on every day either so, longer = more accurate, most probably.
And now we all know you're a Pokemon fan lol
And now we all know you're a Pokemon fan lol
I am. I thought that was well-known already.

But to be honest it would be confusing if there's divergence between the poll results and the final list. If someone doesn't go back a page in the thread they wouldn't even know that the result was already called. That's why there's still votes rolling in. The poll should be closed when the results are called. Or rather, the results should be called when the poll is closed.

It's a practical matter, not a Pokémon fan one. After all, this is all for fun.
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It's a glitch that won't allow a poll to be closed in a set time upon a scheduled launch automatically. We will look into seeing if it can be fixed. Not a huge deal though, the 24 hour daily polls are quite well known this far in. Its designed to increase daily interaction and also why we give everyone the weekend off on both this and the upcoming movie competition. :)
I am. I thought that was well-known already.

But to be honest it would be confusing if there's divergence between the poll results and the final list. If someone doesn't go back a page in the thread they wouldn't even know that the result was already called. That's why there's still votes rolling in. The poll should be closed when the results are called. Or rather, the results should be called when the poll is closed.

It's a practical matter, not a Pokémon fan one. After all, this is all for fun.
haha yeah the votes are public anyway, I was just fuckin around

The divergence isn't all that confusing if you just consider it like the huge gap between the review scores that Pokemon games get and the scores they would have gotten if the name Pokemon wasn't written on the box. Take that ya fuckin nerd 😏
Chalice dungeons in Bloodborne are amazing and gamers prematurely shot down the idea. It was a side-attraction and so the difference in cohesion in the dungeons was obvious, but otherwise it was way ahead of the modern trend of "add on a roguelike / permadeath mode with random map assets". Imagine a Sekiro with randomly-generated platforming/backstab gauntlets, or a Dark Souls 3 with an infinite Tower of Gay Lore with randomly generated bosses, enemies, and trap layouts. This idea would've been sweet if the devs kept with it and improved upon Bloodborne but i think the harsh reaction from the fanbase made FROM too gun-shy.

I fucking loved the chalice dungeons. On the other hand, I probably wouldn't have even tried them if I wasn't going for Platinum.
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I fucking loved the chalice dungeons. On the other hand, I probably wouldn't have even tried them if I wasn't going for Platinum.

yeah they weren't handled the best. It's a clunky "Japanese" way of setting it up with the offerings and chalices. Would've been easier if there was a dusty book that you opened with a level-select / randomization interface and off you go through the book to the Chalice (book?) Dungeon.

Even so, the concept is brilliant and works very well in the context of the game. It's also a very straightforward way to sequence break the game, so when people gripe about the lack of "muh build variety" in Bloodborne compare to other Souls games, I know they didn't mess with Chalices much.

Within the first 3 or 4 hours of any given BB playthrough (by making a beeline to Bloodstarved beast, easily done) you can get the first Chalice and begin working your way through the Pthumeru path, getting souls and attaining those deeper chalice dungeons, with the hope of nabbing a Lost or Uncanny out-of-sequence weapon like an early scythe or Blades of Mercy. You can defeat one of the game's true final secret bosses (Queen) in the bottom of one of the Pthumeru chalices before defeating the Cathedral Ward boss and changing the moon cycle from Evening to Midnight.
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