Thread: Why Do So Many Modern Female Video Game Characters Look Androgynous Or Downright Manly?
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Size Queen
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Idk what this site is looks like some female beauty site or some shit.
Way more at the link.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting a bit more truth in representations of body types, since we can’t all be naturally blessed with sculpted legs, perky bums, snatched waists, and big boobs, but lately the push to bring a more balanced design and role to modern female video game characters appears to have backfired.

In an effort to not get canceled, many video game developers post-GamerGate are nixing the damsel in distress trope and giving powerful, masculine roles to female characters. The only problem is it really doesn’t feel authentic, and instead reveals just how much some people will try to erase true femininity.
In fact, it's almost like it was Naughty Dog's plan all along. When you play TLOU2, Ellie is really boring to play (aside from in flashback scenes). Then you have Abby, who is unable to hurt a dog, saves a trans kid, and is actually really fun to play to try to make you forget the fact that she killed the man who saved her life with a baseball bat. I get that there probably aren't tons of hotties in a zombie apocalypse, but the actress whose face they used for Abby was actually pretty, so they uglified her.

And that's not the only time that's happened. Danish actress Hannah Hoekstra shot into the media’s attention for her role as the model for the Horizon Forbidden West character Aloy. Only problem is, Hannah is a bonafide beauty, but the character that was modeled after her removed any of her feminine charm. Compared to Hannah’s likeness as Aloy in the first game, Horizon Zero Dawn, the new game made her plainer, dulled her cheekbones, changed her jaw and nose shape.
Now Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn didn’t have your standard Victoria’s Secret model’s visage, but she did better resemble the actual actress and her natural beauty traits. Online banter surrounding the controversy was heated between one side that wished Aloy’s design had stayed true to its origins while the other side celebrated the warrior woman’s new look. Let’s be honest, if she were a warrior woman, I doubt her body fat percentage could justify how puffy those new cheeks are.

What it boils down to – and this is definitely not the first instance of it – is that there was a deliberate shift, a purposeful change in character design to lessen the character’s original, feminine features in order to solve what some consider a lack of representation in video games.
Action RPGs in recent years are the most guilty of this. Between Mass Effect: Andromeda, Assassins Creed: Valhalla, God of War, and countless more, there’s an unsurprising amount of female characters being given the de-sexed treatment. Maybe their facial physiognomy more closely resembles masculine bone structure, maybe they have boxier figures, or maybe they’ve been given a buzzed, cropped, and colored hairdo that I think I’ve seen on most individuals who call their gender non-binary.

It’s awful already and only appears to be getting worse. Take a look at all of the women in the God of War series. No, women warriors shouldn’t be dainty, but the God of War developers made them basically just men with attitude. Or with the Mass Effect series, where character Sara Ryder from Mass Effect: Andromeda appears to have been made deliberately more masculine despite being modeled after a very feminine model, Jayde Rossi.

We’re Letting This Be Normalized on the Big Screen Too​

Without a doubt, societies worldwide have come a long way in providing women more equal footing whether that's in their own workplace or in their media representations in video games, cinema, or television. At the same time, there’s a strong push to throw away the feminine essence and make women act like men in order to gain respect for their characters or gain viewership in the era of cancel culture.

Tying video games and the film industry together is the case of Lara Croft, who was insanely sexy in her design. Throughout the years, video game Lara Croft’s pointy bosom has deflated significantly, along with the screen recast from curvier Angelina Jolie to leaner, more athletically-built Alicia Vikander.

lara croft comparison video game movie

The message that backfires is unfortunate: in order to be a strong woman, you can't be pretty or feminine.
Definitely following her after that. Not sure if she's fully aware of why it's happening, but messages like that from voices like hers build bridges between the divides the media has created. Need a lot more of that.

Her Twitter timeline is encouraging.
The extreme lefties always say they want themselves represented in movies, shows, and games. So it's not surprising that they want ugly women in the lead.

Seriously though, these people don't realize that their glorifying ugliness in gaming is hurting the industry rather than helping it. Call it shallow if you want but us gamers don't like looking at butt ugly people when we play. Is it any wonder how Bioware has fallen from grace when started shoving homely hos in their titles?



Also, I take the issue with the author stating that Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft is a downgrade from Angelina Jolie. Vikander is fucking GORGEOUS and way hotter for me than Jolie.

The author's thougths pretty much mirror my own from my post in this thread:

1. Attractiveness, Feminine Traits, Sex Appeal and "The Male Gaze"

Gaming as a hobby both traditionally and currently is an overwhelmingly male market. This is simply a undisputed but hated reality to the woke ideologues. As a consequence of this it is natural that most female characters in gaming were designed from the perspective of what would appeal to a male audience.

This in turn naturally leads to looking at what traits men find desirable in women in the real world and then recreating idealized or sometimes exaggerated versions of these traits in the character designs. Hence you get the stereotypical scantily clad, curvaceous, attractive, large breasted character oozing sex appeal.

It should be noted that this is not something isolated to gaming, you can see the same traits for example in fantasy novels and their media adaptations, Conan, Red Sonya etc...

You also see these things traditionally in degree in western comics, sci-fi shows, anime and manga and essentially any media that is predominantly consumed by men.

This has been the status quo in gaming to various degrees since its inception, as a natural consequence of mostly being developed by men with the intention of being consumed and therefore appeal to other men.

Then something strange starts to happens in the 2010's: Feminism (a subset of woke ideology) starts to rear its ugly head. The idea in feminism is that overly sexualized female characters in media present an unrealistic beauty/body shape standard in the minds of impressionable men that no "real" woman could possibly live up to.

This is further compounded by believing that these fictional women exist solely to satisfy the sexual fantasies of men, that they are essentially walking talking sex dolls with no agency or purpose than to titilize and tantalize the prepubescent sexual appetites of men. This thinking then leads naturally to viewing such representations of women as offensive to womanhood itself.

To top this off they also believe that these negative depictions of women poison the minds of men to think of all women as simply walking sex objects without their own thoughts or agency, like they are some sort of non-human "other" that exists solely for the sexual gratification of men.

Realistically I would argue that these designs are a consequence of the evolutionary sexual preferences and preferences of feminine attractiveness in men's psyche and that naturally when trying to appeal to an overwhelmingly male market it would make sense to tap into and appeal to these preferences, while the feminists have it backwards and believe that these preferences only exist through a mechanism of social constructionism, almost a "monkey see, monkey do" approach.

In other words the only reason men have these exaggerated preferences is because they consume media that portrays these as normal and desirable in the feminist view. A truly backward approach in my mind that ignores millions of years of evolution.

So now through the lense of feminism we have identified the "problem" with these kinds of designs, and therefore their moral failings. How do we then fix the problem and make the world a better place in the process? In the minds of the woke feminists, we need to counter these designs and create something more "realistic". Then we can push this out into the world and it will change the minds and preferences of men in what they find attractive in women!

So having these "problematic" traits in female characters in media is no longer just an eye roll moment or a chuckle at the silly things men like in fantasy women. Now it is a moral failing to have a character with these traits and we must right the ship and move things in the opposite direction to have a positive impact on the world via purposeful social engineering attempts.

It is important that we understand this mindset and the reasoning behind it if we are to get anywhere in understanding the current shifts in design philosophy in western gaming regarding female character designs.

So suddenly large breasts are bad, female characters must have modest, small or flat chests. Female characters cannot have hour glass figures, large asses, cannot be curvy or overly sexual. Cannot have large lips or dress in revealing clothing.

This is done under the guise of "saving us from ourselves" and "making the world a better place for women!" but deep down psychologically it comes from a place of jealously and resentment. In the sexual marketplace, average or unattractive women will do anything to try to get a leg up on the competition and improve their perceived place in the attractiveness hierarchy so this is one way that attempts to achieve that.

In a more simple way: If we can brainwash men with social engineering propaganda then they will find us more attractive and the genuinely attractive women as less desirable, then we will have increased our chances of finding a better mate.

You can see this most prominently with redesigns of existing or classic female characters from older titles/franchises. The female character is normally "updated for modern sensibilities", which is code for "made less attractive and less sexually appealing to men".

You can see it with Lara Croft, Mortal Kombat women as prime examples but there are likely hundreds of other very obvious ones that other members of the thread can easily point out. You see keeping the characters as is would be "sinful" a moral failing to the utopian ideal for society so they simply must be changed and updated to be more "modern" and less "backwards".

This is a huge sign of a "woke woman" in videogames. We also see this with new character designs for new franchises/IPs or titles. Characters are purposely designed to tick the checkboxes of what is considered acceptable to this ideology and then sent out to the world to attempt to spread their world view on the unclean and unsuspecting masses.

So while having a female character with small breasts for example or who is somewhat less sexualized doesn't automatically make them a woke character design, in fact there are even examples of these throughout gaming that predate the current woke ideology.

One example where it becomes undeniable is when a classic/existing somewhat sexy female character is redesigned in a remaster, re-release or sequel to a long running franchise and has all of their charm, fun and sexyness of their design sucked out of them to be replaced by a woke imposter wearing their rotting corpse. Examples of course include Tomb Raider and Mortal Kombat as mentioned above.

In these cases it is completely self evident that the changes were made to fit the woke world view and for woke reasoning to the point where it becomes essentially impossible for anyone to credibly debate it or argue against it.

For new characters/new IPs it becomes a little more difficult to ascertain as we don't have an existing non woke version of the character to compare and contrast the changes.

A couple of dead giveaways are when a feminine, traditionally beautiful, somewhat sexy model is used as the basis of a character in a game (i.e: They are contracted by the studio to use their likeness and scan their face/body for use in the game) and instead of the character actually looking like the model, the creators in a bid to hit their woke checkboxes mentioned above will purposefully and willfully make the character look less attractive, less sexy, reduce breast or ass size etc.. compared to the real model.

The examples of this are endless but a couple of recent noteworthy titles that do this would Horizon series, Mass Effect Andromeda and The Last of Us 2. In Mass Effect's case the designers, still not happy with how ugly they had made the female lead, released a day one patch to make her face even more unattractive than they already had done (I shit you not). In The Last Of Us 2, the lead character's love interest had her breasts massively reduced in size compared to the real life model that used for the character, who was actually quite busty.

These decisions were not made by chance or mistake, by ineptitude or a lack of talent on the part of the modellers. These decisions instead were made willfully, purposefully to further the woke agenda. That is what makes those characters and it is safe to say other female character's in those titles/series "woke".

Even outside of those cases where we have an obvious contrast between the real life models and the in game rendered character, what we see currently is a trend away from the feminine, attractive, obviously sexy, curvy, busty characters that appeal to men and instead we see a push towards less attractive, less feminine, less curvy, less sexy, less busty character designs. These decisions are again not accidents or incompetence but purposefully made with the sole purpose of pushing the woke agenda.

This is a part of what people mean when they say that almost all of western gaming is infested with woke ideology and why people are being instantly turned off by the current trend of mostly female main characters in modern western gaming and automatically assuming that 9 times out of 10 the character is designed that way purposefully due to woke reasoning.

2. The Trans lobby

In point 1 above I covered the trend away from sexy character designs in general for women in games and the trend to towards less attractive, less sexy and less well endowed designs.

Another facet of the design process that I purposely left out for use here is the "trans issue". There has been a purposeful and guided push away from the feminine when it comes to character designs.

When I say this I'm not necessarily or solely talking about things like breast size but rather a push towards more manly or predominantly male facial/body features in character designs.

What you see are things like thicker, larger, fuller jaw lines, more prominent brows etc.. in terms of facial features while in terms of body shape we have things like taller, heavier women with large muscular physiques, broad shoulders, large backs, wide (normally flat or mostly flat) chests.

This pushes female character design into a more androgynous direction and from a character design perspective tries to blur the line between traditionally masculine and feminine physical traits.

So you might ask: "Why is this happening?". The answer again goes back to woke reasoning and their ideology. In the minds of the social contructionist, forms of media don't simply exist as a form of entertainment and escapism to be consumed, instead in their minds: every piece of media is instead an attempt to shape the minds of those who consume it and as a consequence of that shape society itself, popular perception and social norms.

"Ok..." you might say, but to what end? What is the end goal that they are trying to achieve? The answer is trans acceptance. It is obvious at a glance for most people to tell when someone is either a biological man or a woman almost every time, a big indicator of how we can identify this is based on physical traits, bone structure, musculature, facial features, anatomy etc...

So to make it "easier" for trans women to "pass" as real women the woke designers must blur the lines between what man and a woman are, in terms of their physical traits and appearance. The hope is to shape the minds of the audience sub consciously into accepting trans women as "real women". They do this by trying to muddy up the perception and understanding of what a woman is in the first place.

Examples of this can be seen in combination with point 1 above in the process of making woman characters appear less attractive, you can especially see it where an existing character design is feminine and sexy and then an updated version is released where the character is given more male style physical traits and facial structures to appear less feminine.

We also see the same thing where real life models are scanned into a game and have their features altered to be more masculine compared to their natural look, which results in more androgynous looking characters.

A prime example of this phenomenon is Abby from The Last of Us 2, she is such a clear cut example that not much else needs to be said.

Seriously though, these people don't realize that their glorifying ugliness in gaming is hurting the industry rather than helping it. Call it shallow if you want but us gamers don't like looking at butt ugly people when we play. Is it any wonder how Bioware has fallen from grace when started shoving homely hos in their titles?



Also, I take the issue with the author stating that Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft is a downgrade from Angelina Jolie. Vikander is fucking GORGEOUS and way hotter for me than Jolie.

Alicia Vikander IS gorgeous but her Lara didn't show any of that. They nullified the beauty of Lara and also dumbed down and uglified Alicia herself. She could have been a very feminine and beautiful Lara but their portrayal of Lara in that movie was a pie of shit.

Her portrayal of Lara reminds me of that lesbo latina chick who is always tougher than any dude in all the shit she participates. Can't for the life of me remember her name.
Alicia Vikander IS gorgeous but her Lara didn't show any of that. They nullified the beauty of Lara and also dumbed down and uglified Alicia herself. She could have been a very feminine and beautiful Lara but their portrayal of Lara in that movie was a pie of shit.

Her portrayal of Lara reminds me of that lesbo latina chick who is always tougher than any dude in all the shit she participates. Can't for the life of me remember her name.
Again, other than her face, which is very plain when not being made up, lit and shot to look prettier in movies, what part of that titless, hipless, beanpole legged fridge of a woman is beautiful or feminine?
Alicia Vikander IS gorgeous but her Lara didn't show any of that. They nullified the beauty of Lara and also dumbed down and uglified Alicia herself. She could have been a very feminine and beautiful Lara but their portrayal of Lara in that movie was a pie of shit.

Her portrayal of Lara reminds me of that lesbo latina chick who is always tougher than any dude in all the shit she participates. Can't for the life of me remember her name.
Well, I haven't watched it yet so I can't really judge. But it can't be any worse than the previous Tomb Raider movies with Jolie (which I thought were heaping piles of shit). Really, the only thing those films are noteworthy for are the early career roles for Daniel Craig and Gerard Butler, who both went on to bigger and better things.

Again, other than her face, which is very plain when not being made up, lit and shot to look prettier in movies, what part of that titless, hipless, beanpole legged fridge of a woman is beautiful or feminine?
I just find hear beautiful dude. There's no accounting for taste and it helps that she's a pretty good actress as well.
Being beautiful takes effort. Skin care, exercising, proper diet, generally healthy lifestyle. All of those require some work, not much, but some. Leftists lack work ethic, passion for anything aside hedonism, have no desire to improve themselves ("you are perfect the way you are") and dislike responsibility, facing consequences of their actions and conquering their issues. So they need everyone and everything to validate them and if anything shows them a mirror (or a scale) or a proper healthy/happy individual they engage ape mode and demand the target of their ire be removed or destroyed.
The Aloy stuff seems the most egregious because no one living a tribal existence carries that much extra padding. Not to say she needs to be some skin-and-bone marathon runner, but the notion that she'd be above 10% body fat is absurd. I'd weigh in on the Abby stuff in TLOU2 in that you don't get to maintain that kind of musculature without access to a massive amount of protein and supplements, but let's face it beyond visual fidelity that game throws any sense of world-building out the window in favour of emotional beats. It's Twitter-pleasing post-apocalypse dress-up versus gritty realism.
The Aloy stuff seems the most egregious because no one living a tribal existence carries that much extra padding. Not to say she needs to be some skin-and-bone marathon runner, but the notion that she'd be above 10% body fat is absurd. I'd weigh in on the Abby stuff in TLOU2 in that you don't get to maintain that kind of musculature without access to a massive amount of protein and supplements, but let's face it beyond visual fidelity that game throws any sense of world-building out the window in favour of emotional beats. It's Twitter-pleasing post-apocalypse dress-up versus gritty realism.
Only kings would be able to have that fat Alloy face in the past. Her characterization is indeed absurd
probably lack of care given by the designers if I had to guess.
Nah, this shit is deliberate. You don't scan an actresses face then accidentally make her jaw twice the size, shrink the lips, eyes and cheekbones then give everything an extra thick layer of fat.

The latest Saints Row, Naughty Dog since TLOU and BioWare titles since ME3 all have two things in common; that's when female character designs suddenly took a turn for the fuck ugly, and when the devs and management started banging on about feminist talking points, particularly Anita Saekasian's brand of gender socialism.

Like in movies and television, this is a deliberate attempt at social engineering.


I got banned from the Halo Waypoint forums for saying “Man I hate that guy!”
Much like the female Astartes argument, this is a logically accurate depiction of what a woman would look like if you juice them up with sci-fi steroids and gene therapy to turn them into super soldiers.

This is what a male Astartes looks like.

This is what a female Astartes would look like if GW ever bends the knee.
Because most game companies are run by Leftists, and I assume that includes the artists and conceptualists. And Leftists somehow got it in their heads that fat, unattractive bitches are what people want.
Nah, this shit is deliberate. You don't scan an actresses face then accidentally make her jaw twice the size, shrink the lips, eyes and cheekbones then give everything an extra thick layer of fat.

The latest Saints Row, Naughty Dog since TLOU and BioWare titles since ME3 all have two things in common; that's when female character designs suddenly took a turn for the fuck ugly, and when the devs and management started banging on about feminist talking points, particularly Anita Saekasian's brand of gender socialism.

Like in movies and television, this is a deliberate attempt at social engineering.

I mean their bad looking designs I blame laziness as a key part of the issue. Woke crap is usually extremely careless.
Much like the female Astartes argument, this is a logically accurate depiction of what a woman would look like if you juice them up with sci-fi steroids and gene therapy to turn them into super soldiers.

This is what a male Astartes looks like.

This is what a female Astartes would look like if GW ever bends the knee.
You should have photoshoped the cliché side shave haircut all Strong Female Characters have on the bottom picture, but basically, yeah.

God I hope GW never give into the weirdoes on that. Why anyone wants female representation amongst the hyper autistic, disposable, genetically engineered killing machines that are the Astartes I will never know.
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I mean their bad looking designs I blame laziness as a key part of the issue. Woke crap is usually extremely careless.
Andromeda is technically a shit show due to poor management, but rhe character designs are still deliberately hideous.

Just compare main character Peebee in Andromeda:


To generic Asari NPC #3 in ME2:


Do you really think the difference in looks is not deliberate? That Peebee somehow, even with everything else going on at the studio, didn't receive more time, effort and budget than a background character? That they really ended up making the most ugly Asari in the entire franchise purely by accident, while at the same time they just coincidentally started making very public statements in support of political activists who actively work against the concept of beauty standards?

I will grant you that woke hiring practices and political philosophical adoption always lead to a drop in output quality, but that rot sets in from the design stage and onwards, it doesn't ruin something that was once meant to be beautiful, it starts by tainting the very ideas behind the product.
You should have photoshoped the cliché side shave haircut all Strong Female Characters have on the bottom picture, but basically, yeah.

God I hope GW never give into the weirdoes on that. Why anyone wants female representation amongst the hyper autistic, disposable, genetically engineered killing machines that are the Astartes I will never know.
The way GW handled it was chef's kiss material when they introduced the Adepta Sororitas. You want female representation? Have some of the most bad-ass fucking psychopaths the Imperium has to offer.

There's a scene in a book I can't remember the name of where a Guard soldier is horrified by a scarred up Sister gleefully burning a heretic prisoner alive, she turns to him, smiles, and says, "By the Emperor, I love that smell."

I have a hard time choosing between the Sisters or AdMech as my favorite faction.
The way GW handled it was chef's kiss material when they introduced the Adepta Sororitas. You want female representation? Have some of the most bad-ass fucking psychopaths the Imperium has to offer.

There's a scene in a book I can't remember the name of where a Guard soldier is horrified by a scarred up Sister gleefully burning a heretic prisoner alive, she turns to him, smiles, and says, "By the Emperor, I love that smell."

I have a hard time choosing between the Sisters or AdMech as my favorite faction.
I also love the SoB. I won an Army of them when they first came out in 2nd Edition 40K, and they've been my secondary force, after my homwbrew Marine chapter, ever since.

They're way more of an embodiment of what the setting actually is than the big power armoured roid monsters quite frankly, I mean look at their very first codex cover art:

That's peak 40K right there.
Andromeda is technically a shit show due to poor management, but rhe character designs are still deliberately hideous.

Just compare main character Peebee in Andromeda:


To generic Asari NPC #3 in ME2:


Do you really think the difference in looks is not deliberate? That Peebee somehow, even with everything else going on at the studio, didn't receive more time, effort and budget than a background character? That they really ended up making the most ugly Asari in the entire franchise purely by accident, while at the same time they just coincidentally started making very public statements in support of political activists who actively work against the concept of beauty standards?

I will grant you that woke hiring practices and political philosophical adoption always lead to a drop in output quality, but that rot sets in from the design stage and onwards, it doesn't ruin something that was once meant to be beautiful, it starts by tainting the very ideas behind the product.

you could swap those characters out for rabbid peach and there'd be no difference whatsoever lol.
I also love the SoB. I won an Army of them when they first came out in 2nd Edition 40K, and they've been my secondary force, after my homwbrew Marine chapter, ever since.

They're way more of an embodiment of what the setting actually is than the big power armoured roid monsters quite frankly, I mean look at their very first codex cover art:

That's peak 40K right there.
A shame they will never be this hot and dangerous ever again. The modern Sister codexes are abominable. You can clearly see which artwork in those is from older editions. Luckily Raging Heroes make the best Sister models ever made.