Thread: What's your origin story? Explain your username and avatar.


Shadow Man
My first car was a 1995 Ford EF Falcon (It's an Australian car for those going "wtf is that?").
For a while my online alias was "Falcon". But I found that was too common, so I shortened it to just "Falcs".

As for my Mario avatar.. I think most people don't realise but it's actually Mario with 3 legs.
Whenever I see the original Mario Bros. box art, I cannot unsee Mario having 3 legs; 2 legs with brown boots, and 1 leg in the middle with a red boot (but it's actually fire from the background). Can't remember why, but I randomly chose this over on GAF in 2018 and I guess it just stuck.



What's your story?
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I just really like the scene in Spinal Tap where they got lost in the theatre trying to get onstage and keep saying "Rock and Roll!" as they try to figure out how to get onstage. I tend to say "rock and roll" as affirmative when asked about something. "we going out tonight?" "fuck yeah bud rock and roll!"

I'm actually not too big into classic rock which my name might suggest.

As for the avatar, I'm lazy as fuck.
I was biten by a radioactive space gimp, while eating cheese, at a club having a 70's theme night.

Actually, I'd argue weirder, I used to go by Total Biscuit, from well before the other guy made a name for himself, and after the thousandth time I got asked if I was him, I had to think up what I hoped would be a wholey original name no-one else would, so Stilton Disco it was.

The weirdness comes in when I looked the 'famous' TB, and found us spookily similar. Same age, same background, same tastes, same outlooks, guy was basically me but fuck ugly.

The Avatar is just Scorpius from Farscape. Cracking show.
I needed a unique username not tied to the handful I used everywhere else on the internet because I didn't want people tracking me down on Facebook and harassing me for political hot takes on GAF, and I thought the memes about Donkey Kong getting a boner were funny but didn't think I could put the word "dong" in my username.
I needed a unique username not tied to the handful I used everywhere else on the internet because I didn't want people tracking me down on Facebook and harassing me for political hot takes on GAF, and I thought the memes about Donkey Kong getting a boner were funny but didn't think I could put the word "dong" in my username.
I liked your GAF avatar better than this one.
It's like a smug, horny looking Donkey Kong.
Username: The wolf from AOE2 that Genghis has to go kill in the mongol campaign

Avatar: It looks like the normal O avatar at first glance; it's just sideways. A GAF-er sent it to me as a joke for the letter-poster schtick. Pretending to stand up for letter posters while in reality having an avatar. It's like the militant Communist kid with the million dollar trust fund.
I was obsessed about the Y2K when I was little - I thought we were going to have cool flying cars and shit. We're in 2021 and the world sucks. It doesn't come close to what I envisioned. lmao

Lock was my nickname, it was a clever play on Loco (because I was a crazy kid).

My avatar is Ickis from Real Monsters because I got nostalgic about watching those crazy ass cartoons from the 90's with this bizarre aesthetic.
I was listening to Le Knight Club's Nymphae Song, and playing SFV at the time. Wanted a nice image that you don't see very often, found this one and made it transparent. Added glasses and moustache over time, something to do with Autoduelist I forget now, but I can't go back to the bare face. Added a smoke upon D-Pad arrival.

User is a play on my name "translated" in english.

My avatar is the all around manly man, Fridtjof Nansen: polymath, Nobel Prize laureate, diplomat, athlete, explorer, humanitarian and scientist, with a daring stare that breaks up icebergs!

Avatar is rather a younger photo of him.
User is a play on my name "translated" in english.

My avatar is the all around manly man, Fridtjof Nansen: polymath, Nobel Prize laureate, diplomat, athlete, explorer, humanitarian and scientist, with a daring stare that breaks up icebergs!

Avatar is rather a younger photo of him.
If my username was my name translated to English everyone would have a good laugh. lol
I've had a lot of user names in my career on the internet, a career that dates back to before the year 2000. This latest name is pretty simple, I like zombie movies and I like it when things explode. Back in 2006 or so I used the name Randy Orton because I was into Pro Wrestling for a bit and thought he was an awesome heel and my posting career was like that of a heel on the places I frequented. To this day I have internet friends who call me Randy, it's not my actual first name but I'm fine with it. Haven't watched anything wrestling in over a decade, though, so I moved on from it. Before that name my names were almost always based around the Heavy Metal genre, stuff like Lord Worm, Youll Never See, Demolition Hammer and CrypticDemonSex lol. Explosive Zombie is just a few years old tbh, before it was stuff like MechaBiollante (still my PSN/XBL user name) because I love Godzilla bullshit and Biollante is the coolest monster and best movie... I used to be Infinity Gauntlet on Flickchart but now that they rendered that story in film I dropped that account and made a new one lol, uh... Terminal Redux is another one I used for a bit, 2016's best album and the best album of the past 20 or so years, legit. On Facebook I tend to post on fake names like Randy MacReady (people know me as Randy anyways and RJ MacReady in The Thing COULD have been Randy, who knows!), Alex Murphy (RoboCop), Randy Fulci, etc. I was Tchornobog on Destiny 2 when it was a Battlenet game because Battlenet usernames weren't long enough for most my other names and Tchornobog is the Slavic diety of Darkness, death and evil, a cool character in American Gods (representing that slavic diety to be fair) and a kick-ass band/album, also some people ask if it's a Witcher 3 reference, despite nearly beating that game I don't remember the reference. EZ is my 10th Steam name at this point, tbh, well at least 10, I remember names that aren't listed tbh, maybe from before they kept track of that stuff? I'm still Tchornobog on Uplay, on Origin I'm Violent Reaction which was meant to describe my personality (the Explosive in Explosive Zombie also helps with that purpose). On Epic Games I'm MechaGamera, I think MechaBiollante was taken? On Rate Your Music I'm MechaGhidorah, I've been banned from community post there since 2019 for this reason...

"wtf is this thread" is not an acceptable contribution to the music forum. And taking your prior warnings into consideration, it's best if you leave the forum altogether. 18 Jul, 2019 at 23:35

but still can rate things, review things and make lists so I still use it a bit. I like horror, metal and gorey violence, first person shooters get me off in gaming. I have the tastes of a teenage edgelord and at this point that isn't changing.
MetalAlien is a reference to the HR Giger Alien which is bio mechanical. I made it because I was pissed off how shitty the Aliens looked in every movie after the 2nd. They made them look like bugs or something.

My Avatar is Unicron eyeballing Darth Sidous from the cartoon I made.

To be fair 2 is the first film to start on the bug idea, they call them bugs, they have a nest, a queen, the queen can even telepathically control them like bugs. In Alien 3 the idea was to have it look different based on the animal it came from, a dog in theatrical and a boar/bull/something like that in assembly cut. They also wanted to lean into this idea it was a demon, like a middle ages dragon even (a few chars call it a dragon), it was an interesting choice. I don't think there's much interesting to Alien Resurrection's designs, they just kinda went with an approximation of what they were like prior but they can be more agile on-screen now thanks to CGI (which holds up considering the year). In Alien Covenant it's another slight deviation but I always assumed that was on purpose... let me get in depth on this one...

To me, the Alien Covenant Alien isn't the xenomorph we know and love... in fact I've seen it referred to by I believe Ridley Scott himself as a proto-xenomorph, the idea is it's almost there but not there entirely. It's behavior and look is more animal-like and less subtle/calculating. I believe had Scott got to continue his prequel movies we'd have seen David decide it's missing an ingredient... some himself, since he's an android that's where the mechanical aspect of the bio mechanical look comes in. You can see the mechanical tubes and such are clearly missing in Covenant, to me this was intentional. It would also expand on why Ash admired it so much, it's a creation born partially of his own android DNA. I remember reading that they considered things (before Aliens happened) like that the Alien could actually become a part of machinery, like not just LOOK like it's part of it but it could actually become part of and move through such objects and it's why it got around the Nostromo so easily. Though there are plenty of scrapped ideas, like how the ending Scott wanted involved the Alien eating Ripley's brain and then it gets on the ship's radio and begins talking in her voice, convincing whomever it's her. This is why the first film to me is so damn special because there are so many places you can take this creature, so much mystery is intact. Aliens is one of the best sequels ever but you could argue it's the reason the creature went down less interesting paths.
You know I posted all that and forgot my Avatar. My Avatar is basically a zombie but like... cooler... it's from a film called House by the Cemetery which mostly plays out like a lower budget rip-off of the Shining (and I prefer it to The Shining, lol). I really like when zombies are weird and crazy, there were such inventive designs for them back in the '70s and '80s, nowadays I feel like zombie media has this shared agreement on what they look like and it's part of why zombies get so boring for people, I think.
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I used to go by Melancholy back in like 2013-2014, and people didn't want to constantly have to type that out when referring to me; so I was called Melan, which then turned into Melon. So here I am. And I change my avatar all the time because I just find cool pictures and feel like changing it when I find something new and shiny.
To be fair 2 is the first film to start on the bug idea, they call them bugs, they have a nest, a queen, the queen can even telepathically control them like bugs. In Alien 3 the idea was to have it look different based on the animal it came from, a dog in theatrical and a boar/bull/something like that in assembly cut. They also wanted to lean into this idea it was a demon, like a middle ages dragon even (a few chars call it a dragon), it was an interesting choice. I don't think there's much interesting to Alien Resurrection's designs, they just kinda went with an approximation of what they were like prior but they can be more agile on-screen now thanks to CGI (which holds up considering the year). In Alien Covenant it's another slight deviation but I always assumed that was on purpose... let me get in depth on this one...

To me, the Alien Covenant Alien isn't the xenomorph we know and love... in fact I've seen it referred to by I believe Ridley Scott himself as a proto-xenomorph, the idea is it's almost there but not there entirely. It's behavior and look is more animal-like and less subtle/calculating. I believe had Scott got to continue his prequel movies we'd have seen David decide it's missing an ingredient... some himself, since he's an android that's where the mechanical aspect of the bio mechanical look comes in. You can see the mechanical tubes and such are clearly missing in Covenant, to me this was intentional. It would also expand on why Ash admired it so much, it's a creation born partially of his own android DNA. I remember reading that they considered things (before Aliens happened) like that the Alien could actually become a part of machinery, like not just LOOK like it's part of it but it could actually become part of and move through such objects and it's why it got around the Nostromo so easily. Though there are plenty of scrapped ideas, like how the ending Scott wanted involved the Alien eating Ripley's brain and then it gets on the ship's radio and begins talking in her voice, convincing whomever it's her. This is why the first film to me is so damn special because there are so many places you can take this creature, so much mystery is intact. Aliens is one of the best sequels ever but you could argue it's the reason the creature went down less interesting paths.
Aliens started the idea of bugs but was still very faithful to the bio mechanical design. The Technical Manual even went so far as to say the Aliens could live without eating by drawing power directly from the Atmosphere Processor. In design they are mostly identical minus the clear dome on the head.

I like the queen since she is also based on a Giger painting. Alien 3 started off with Giger and then they totally abodoned his design for the Alien and went to Studio ADI and let them design it. Every Alien movie after that until the recent prequels used ADI for the Aliens and they all sucked ass.

The prequels can suck braps asshole. There are two movies. Alien and Aliens.
Aliens started the idea of bugs but was still very faithful to the bio mechanical design. The Technical Manual even went so far as to say the Aliens could live without eating by drawing power directly from the Atmosphere Processor. In design they are mostly identical minus the clear dome on the head.

I like the queen since she is also based on a Giger painting. Alien 3 started off with Giger and then they totally abodoned his design for the Alien and went to Studio ADI and let them design it. Every Alien movie after that until the recent prequels used ADI for the Aliens and they all sucked ass.

The prequels can suck braps asshole. There are two movies. Alien and Aliens.

I like every movie but I get where you're coming from. The Alien in the first film is my favorite design.