Thread: Halo moving to Unreal Engine 5, rebranded studio to Halo Studios


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Pierre Hintze on the stage with the art director and ske7ch. Unreal Engine 5 is the new foundation for Halo. "Project Foundry" tech demo and research project for preparing Halo for the next generation of Halo games. Little snippets and vignettes shown off.

I just want them to release Halo MCC and Halo Wars on the Switch 2. Halo on the go would be awesome with the Switch Deck and I'm pretty sure the Switch 2 will be able to handle it as well.
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Now that they literally have Halo in their name, they will surely make a Halo that will convince gamers to slurp it up. The problem was obviously that gamers had lost trust in the name 343i. Plus, gamers know and trust Unreal Engine 5, and with more time for "Halo Studios" to concentrate on stuff other than the game engine this will surely be the best most diverse and inclusive Halo yet!!
Anyone want to buy my Halo 3 and Halo Reach collectors editions?

I'd rather they take up your space than mine. Best low-key addition to the Halo 3 collectors edition is the Dr. Hasley field notes diary...which they retconned, but oh well.
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I can't believe the amount of hope on Twitter over this announcement. I mean that pose and animation is laughably made my an lgbqtia+$%%@^ that has no idea on what a cool pose looks like. I make my he man's look like that.
You can spin up that unreal engine 5 scenery in seconds. Add a couple of their Halo 5 assets and Wala!!!!
Omg Halo is back everyone.

If I was a Halo fan. I would hang up the hat now.
Just wait until they hype Elder Scrolls moving to Unreal Engine. 😆

Apparently, some big studios switching to UE5 causes these studios to work on the engine itself to improve it, which will drip back into the base engine over time.

CDPR for example uses UE5 now for their large open world games, they are digging deep into that shit to adjust the engine to their needs. Nvidia ist working on it's own experimental RT branch of the engine, improving RT performance. So I'm confident that we'll see great results and huge improvements to the way UE5 behaves.

Next gen.
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Yeah... about that.

Does anyone believe she was promoted because she is amazing at designing and programming games? That she was given this job because she is best fit for a franchise whose primary audience is straight (white) males ? We all know why she got this job and it's not because she is the next Carmack or Cliffy B.
And you can bet she isn't going to hire the best programmer or engineer for the project.
It even makes sense why they would switch to UE5. No need for programmers to work on an internal engine. Just outsource everything to Epic while paying Sweet Baby most of the budget to make sure the story is diverse and inclusive.