Thread: Careers |OT| Life On The (Cubicle) Farm
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Welcome to the careers OT
This thread is your home for talking about your career. Are you fed up with your job? Feeling underpaid? Trying to figure out where to go next? Want to know what options are out there? Need to do better at pay negotiation? Talk it out here with a bunch of other cunts.

Will add links to particularly pertinent posts and resources in this OP as and when they come up. Bonus points for anyone who guesses the movie the header pic is stolen from.
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I am happy with my job, it pays well, though I would earn more on the free market, but then I would do less interesting work and would have less job security. Also the job leaves enough time for my game development side job / hobby (a little bit of the former, a lot of the latter) and of course my family. So all in all, I cannot complain and wouldn't change much if I could.
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My own situation is mixed. My salary is pretty decent, about double the average salary for my region of the UK. I'm about as close to unsackable as one can get, in that I could probably take a dump on the bonnet of the owner's Tesla and still keep my job, because I'm the only person left who knows how the legacy software holding the company together works (and that's part of why my salary is high - I hardballed negotiations). I like the people I work with. So far so good.

On the downside, I had a team of 3 devs under me. I now have none. Fucking pandemic. One will come back but they'll likely push that til the latest possible moment when furlough stops being available because they're tight bastards. There's a shitload that needs to be done because the legacy app is a ticking time bomb but I have no resources to build its replacement. I've told management enough times that this is the case but they don't listen. We'll be losing our office and working 100% from home soon.

A mixed bag. My plan at this point is to skill up heavily so I have some options and then look around to see if anything out there appeals to me. Willing to take a drop or sideways move if it has a long term gain attached to it (I took a drop to go from PHP to Java 8 years ago and doubled my salary since).
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I'm working on changes.
I work for Verizon and make great money in my area but it won't last forever so I went back to school a few years ago and finished my undergrad. I'm now half way through my MBA and I got accepted to law school so I'll probably do that next.
I'm working on changes.
I work for Verizon and make great money in my area but it won't last forever so I went back to school a few years ago and finished my undergrad. I'm now half way through my MBA and I got accepted to law school so I'll probably do that next.
That's the thing - a good career requires planning ahead and proper strategy. You don't just luck into it.
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I'm in a difficult situation right now.

Quick background:
I've studied Business Management, then worked five years in the management of a service company that specialized in services for airports and are active on all big airports in Germany and some abroad. I worked at the Munich Airport. The last two years, I've been responsible for our entire business at that airport, leading around 350 people. Working 16 hours per day, oftentimes on weekends, oftentimes without work free days for weeks, but very well paid. And I've learned a lot.

My wife, my newborn first daughter and me then moved back to the city where our parents live, to get some support because we planned to have more kids.

Three years ago, I started working as a Project Manager for a supplier in the automotive business. Very stressful, leading international teams of up to 50 people. But way better working hours than before and the pay is still good.

In the middle of last year, our owner decided to outsource the whole Project Management to another plant in another country. Nuking our division, firing all the people. Only I and another dude survived the purge, since that point I'm working as a Product Manager.

Our owner is a crazy nut, firing people at will, randomly setting up conference calls to scream at his workers, often without any rational reason, spying on his workers by personally calling coworkers to get information, with very irrational behavior.

Not the best environment to work. It's just pressure and fear. I took the job because I wanted to redirect my career and get into more technical fields. I've learned a lot, it has been very useful.
But there are rumours about him wanting to shut down our site.

Due to covid, the job market is fucked. Many companies outsourced or moved jobs to cheaper countries. Leaving the market being flood with qualified people.

I had a job interview in a great company, but they've chosen another candidate - my former superior, with 20 years of experience, a total expert. It was quite funny to hear that at first - but pretty depressing to know that there are a lot of these guys and gals on the market. And many hundred thousand less job offerings compared to pre-covid.

I want to find a new job in the next 6 months, to leave on my own terms before our fucking crazy psycho company owner fires me without any warning. I need a safe environment, with three kids, wife, a house etc. I can't live in fear of getting fired at any moment.
It'll be difficult, but I need to keep pushing.

I need to find a new job but covid screwed the job market.
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Our owner is a crazy nut, firing people at will, randomly setting up conference calls to scream at his workers, often without any rational reason, spying on his workers by personally calling coworkers to get information, with very irrational behavior.

I left my previous job a few months ago (for a much better one) for this same reason. Cunt owner.

Talking about cubicles, I fucking LOVE working from home and they will have to drag my screaming body by the toes to get me back in an office for more than a day or two per week, when covid is over.
I left my previous job a few months ago (for a much better one) for this same reason. Cunt owner.

Talking about cubicles, I fucking LOVE working from home and they will have to drag my screaming body by the toes to get me back in an office for more than a day or two per week, when covid is over.

Haha our owner said to us "home office isn't work".

Which leads to this situation: the government decided that now during covid-19, the companies have to allow the workers to work from home if they want it - if it's technically possible of course.

We could all work from home, theoretically. But no one does, because everyone who wants to, faces questions from HR and it'll directly be reported to our owner. Who gets rid of people at will all the time.

Therefore, all are still driving to the office every day.