All news:
New singleplayer focused Age of Empires II expansion launching next month.
New DLC for Age of Empire III later this year
Age of Empires Mobile...
Age of Mythology Retord launching late 2024.
There are screenshots of AoM on Steam. Would be cool if someone can bring them up here.
I don't know why, but the new graphics are more cartoonish and give off a WoW vibe.
Age of Mythology - One of the outright best campaigns in any RTS, any game period. A God of War scale epic told via an RTS before God of War was even a thing.Gorgeous. As much as I love AoE, Mythology is the better game.
Age of Mythology - One of the outright best campaigns in any RTS, any game period. A God of War scale epic told via an RTS before God of War was even a thing.
Age of Empires II Definitive Edition/Starcraft/Warcraft 3 Original/Command and Conquer Red Alert 2
Age of Empires III
Rise of Nations
Age of Empires Definitive Edition
Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
Dawn of War II
Star Wars: Empire at War
Sins of a Solar Empire
Stronghold Crusader
Total Warhammer Trilogy
Can't go wrong with any.
I hope for really good remasters for:
Command and Conquer Tiberium Sun/Red Alert 2 y u no do this EA after the actually amazing remaster of Tiberium Dawn/Red Alert generated tons of money and goodwill?!
Battle for Middle Earth 1/2
RIse of Nations/Legends
Empire Earth
Don't see why Civilization III, IV and V can't get good remasters either.
Starcraft did get a good HD remaster, Warcraft 3 not so much unfortunately.
Was it good? - I never played anything past AOE
They nailed the fantasy-mythology setting, so if you're one of those who enjoys a romp through Egyptian or Greek mythology, the game does a solid job. Brings in many of the creatures and deities from those mythos. Excellent music and sound design, of course, just like Age of Empires. The single player campaign is still probably one of the best in the whole series. I had a lot more fun with it compared to AoE 2 Age of Kings which seems to be everyone else's gold standard.
Also the simple joy of upgrading your tech tree and churning out specialized units to crush enemies is done really well in Age of Mythology. AoE 2 Age of Kings has a ton of cool faction-specific units like Woad Raider or Samurai which I think was the main draw for many players. AoM takes that even further with the myth units.
Also not to piss on anyone's cornflakes but the expansions are locked to the premium edition as well as new Gods?