Thread: Yoko Taro working on new digital-only title with Square Enix as creative director


Fox Hound
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Yoko Taro is working on a brand-new title with Square Enix as creative director, company producer Yosuke Saito said during the NieR Replicant first official live stream.

While specific details were not announced, it will be a somewhat indie-esque digital-only title. However, a special physical edition might also be released.

According to Yoko Taro, the game is "difficult to explain"—"a somewhat unusual game, I've created something mysterious that I have no idea how to explain or sell." It is an "off-beat game" that Taro personally enjoys and wants people to play, but has no idea how to get them to do so. According to Saito, it feels both "nostalgic and new." Staff at the company have said "it'll definitely sell well!"

More information will be announced as it is made available (with monthly updates being a possibility). It was said that the next update could happen within the next few days at the earliest.

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