Thread: What Are You Currently Playing? |OT| Gotta play them all
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After finishing Nioh 2 with around 85 hours and absolutely loving it, I am in a bit of a stuck state for the last few weeks, as I have little desire to play anything. I am waiting for the 1.2 patch to drop for Cyberpunk 2077 and dabbed a bit on Dirt 5 and Genesis Noir in the Game Pass, but other than that my motivation is not there atm. I need to find sth that tickles my fancy in that special way.
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Spent an hour with the newly released Narita Boy on GamePass and it is rather good. Beautiful aesthetics and really excellent music. Gameplay is not bad at all, with the only criticism I can level at this point is the slight delay in input controls (mostly the jump). Other than that, yeah, I think I'll finish this one.
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My wife has got me playing Fortnite with her, and I'm replaying Resi 7, before finally getting around to its DLC.

Fortnite is far better in co-op than singleplayer. Genuinely fun and quite intense when you've got someone to share the silliness and dramatic moments with.

Resi 7 is fine. Once you know the jump scares and enemy weakspots, the skill ceiling is incredibly low, and you're more challenged by the narrow field of vision and intentionally awkward controls than any enemy encounter. Half the enemies can be cheesed with the knife and exploiting the environment. It's not a bad game, but it's a poor Resident Evil.
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Trials of Mana remake on Switch.

Metro and Last Light Redux on Switch.
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Last couple of weeks I've played Chase HQ 2, Pang, Golden Axe, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and Ivan 'IronMan' Stewart's Super Off-Road, all on the Atari ST. Had a bit of a gaming session last night with the wife which ended up being a bit of Micro Machines (Mega Drive), a bit of Wayne's World (hilariously awful), a random WWF game on the Mega Drive and the wife playing Pokemon Red on the game boy - the MiSTer box really came into its own and I think the wife is starting to understand the awesomeness of retro gaming. Oh and I kicked her ass on Street Fighter 2 Turbo - I picked females and she picked males, not sure what that says about us.
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Trying to grind out the latest Cold War Season. Fucking shit takes forever when you don't have double XP for the pass.
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Nearly finished with the main story mode of Mario 3D World. On World 7 (Castle) and I'll keep plowing straight through the post-game Rocketship worlds.


I love the game even more on the 2nd time through. The levels have all sorts of tiny secrets and special touches that are easy to miss the first time around, probably because quite a lot of it was relegated to the Wii U pad in the original version. I play about 50/50 handheld/TV and the touch controls make it much easier to find invisible stuff.
Just finished The hunt. In france the is also known as Traque and in Russia it's called Chernaya Metka.
It's a carbon copy of Condamned Criminal origins. But it's actually pretty good.
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I am currently sinking all my game time into Call of Duty: Cold War. Specifically Warzone Zombies. Before that I chewed through State of Decay 2, Borderlands 3 (before the last Story DLC dropped, just lost interest in the game), Carrion, and Days Gone.

I am looking forward to Back 4 Blood and possibly that new four player Aliens game, which seems to be in the same model of FPS coop swarm shootemups I enjoy.
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Doing a Cruel Fate run in Bloodborne for Return to Yarnham. On my switch I'm still slowly getting through 3D World, on play 1-2 levels a day and I'm doing it as Toad for maximum challenge. Currently on the extra world and some of those levels are a total pain. I also picked up Collection of Mana on sale the other week and think I'm getting close to finishing Final Fantasy Adventure.

Oh and I'm going to beat Rez tonight in VR once I get properly drunk. Drunk VR is a blast.
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Never played it before, turns out it's rather good. Controls are much better than I expected.
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Nothing. Just put down Nioh for being gay. I bought Evil Genius 2 but don't like locking myself away at my computer down the end of the house. Dunno if/how I'll get back into PC gaming. Need something good to play on PS5...
  • Brain
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Nothing. Just put down Nioh for being gay. I bought Evil Genius 2 but don't like locking myself away at my computer down the end of the house. Dunno if/how I'll get back into PC gaming. Need something good to play on PS5...
I'd imagine Evil Genius 2 is fine on a decent laptop so that might be one way.
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Have you seen a laptop before? They tend to have keyboards built in. My recliner has armrests so a mouse can go on there if required, and if yours doesn't laptops have trackpads.

I trust you understand the difference between the or and and conditionals.
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The first Prince Of Persia was one of the first games I got when I got my first 8088 PC and the animation was stunning. I loved it.

I am now twenty hours into Valheim and I am still loving it. It's been 15 hours after killing the first boss and I've managed to progress enough to be close to the second one. The distances are massive, though, and it seems you need to keep building mini bases so that you don't go back and forth on foot, which takes time. Portals are great and I now have two sets going, but the game does not allow you to transport metals via portals. Not sure I agree with this mechanic. The game will already take over a hundred hours to see some sort of conclusion, I see no need to artificially extend play time with such restrictions.

In any case, I am really liking the game. Hopefully I will stick with it for a while. I need a mindless timesink for my evenings.
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The first Prince Of Persia was one of the first games I got when I got my first 8088 PC and the animation was stunning. I loved it.

I've got a video coming for Prince Of Persia (ST version) - it'll go live towards the end of the month (I'm queueing these up way in advance). Might interest you, or maybe you should just download a copy and play it instead - that's far more fun.
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I am currently going through every XBOX One Call of Duty campaign, in between COD: Cold War Zombie Outbreak. I have Wasteland 3 sitting and waiting for the patches to make it stable on the XBOX ONE. But it is slated to be played next.
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I haven't turned on my Switch in about a week or more.

I really need to get back to it.

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My Banjo-Kazooie game file has glitched. Something to do with completing the puzzles in Banjo's house before tackling the final few worlds. I'm 4 notes short in Mad Monster Mansion and Click Clock Wood and have no way of getting them. There goes the 100% and 200G achievement points run. I'm going to have to run through it again to get all the notes. Wasted an hour and a half last night trying to find them before resorting to Google where I learned the cold truth.


At least I can go for a PB run later on now that I've been refreshed on the game, will probably leave it a few weeks though.
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This really gay astrobot game because it's all that's installed on the PS5 while I wait for games to download. Even though I updated to gigabit connection the PS5 is only getting 50 Mbps out of the 1000 I'm capable of really annoying