Thread: The 'UFO and Aliens' Thread


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So I figured I'd start a thread to discuss anything UFO (UAP - Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) related including extraterrestrial whether it's sightings or abductions, etc.

It's a subject that has always interested me since I was a kid.

I'm a lot more skeptical nowadays but I still keep an open mind. I am interested more about those who treat the subject seriously, such as George Knapp or the late Stanton Friedman. I am not interested in channelers and other quacks or those who just want attention or financially preying on others.

The interest now with the Navy and other branches of the military, the ATIPs, etc.

So for anyone interested or wants to share some news, hop on in. Looking forward to posting UFO/UAP related news.

Edit: special thanks to @Mickmrly for the banner above.
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Pentagon confirms UFO video is real, taken by Navy pilot

A pyramid-shaped object seen flying through the sky has been confirmed by the Pentagon as an unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).

Defense Department confirms leaked video of unidentified aerial phenomena is real

By Chandelis Duster, CNN

Updated 10:23 PM EDT, Thu April 15, 2021

(CNN) - The Defense Department has confirmed that leaked photos and video of "unidentified aerial phenomena" taken in 2019 are indeed legitimate images of unexplained objects.

Photos and videos of triangle-shaped objects blinking and moving through the clouds were taken by Navy personnel, Pentagon spokeswoman Sue Gough said in a statement to CNN. She also confirmed that photos of three unidentified flying objects -- one "sphere" shaped, another "acorn" shaped and one characterized as a "metallic blimp" -- were also taken by Navy personnel.

"As we have said before, to maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information that may be useful to potential adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examinations of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP," Gough said.
So I figured I'd start a thread to discuss anything UFO (UAP - Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) related including extraterrestrial whether it's sightings or abductions, etc.

It's a subject that has always interested me since I was a kid.

I'm a lot more skeptical nowadays but I still keep an open mind. I am interested more about those who treat the subject seriously, such as George Knapp or the late Stanton Friedman. I am not interested in channelers and other quacks or those who just want attention or financially preying on others.

The interest now with the Navy and other branches of the military, the ATIPs, etc.

So for anyone interested or wants to share some news, hop on in. Looking forward to posting UFO/UAP related news.
I was watching a documentary about this sort of thing the other day. Hellier.
The first half is kinda crap. Just a bunch of dumb kids larping as magicians, but eventually they do stumble upon something, and it's really startling. It lines up with the Missing 411 stuff too, and is at this point irrevocable proof that there is a large human trafficking ring going on right underneath our feet, inside the Earth. Whether you believe in aliens or the paranormal or not. They still seem to have uncovered a massive global conspiracy that occurs every day under the crust of the planet.
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It's 2 seasons. Warning, the end is kinda really anticlimactic but what they uncover prior to that has important implications.
And the name of it is Hellier?

I definitely haven't heard of it before but that sounds interesting.
Second half of tonight's show on Coast to Coast AM is pretty good. Not all of it is about UFOs tonight but they've discussing Jacques Vallee and a few other related subjects.


Show is live right now if anyone is interested.

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Second half of tonight's show on Coast to Coast AM is pretty good. Not all of it is about UFOs tonight but they've discussing Jacques Vallee and a few other related subjects.


Show is live right now if anyone is interested.

I'm not big on podcasts. I kinda just stumble upon things when I'm in the mood for it.
I'm not big on podcasts. I kinda just stumble upon things when I'm in the mood for it.
It's a regular radio show. I'm listening to it on standard AM local radio station but that link is for people who might not have an affiliate station currently playing.

The show goes way back to the mid or late 80s. Art Bell used to host but he passed away from an accidental overdose maybe 5 years ago.

Coast to Coast AM is pretty much the Rush Limbaugh of UFOs and the paranormal. They changed the landscape of radio and paved the way of all all sorts of things UFOs and fortran.
I've seen a UFO.

I was out for a walk with my mother and the family dog when I was about 14, when we both spotted this incredibly bright light, which seemed to be only about 500 metres off the ground, slowly following along above the M20 motorway, completely silent, maybe going at 50mph at most.

We watched it for a good couple of minutes, as it periodically stopped, then reversed course, stopped and started forward again, until the last time it stopped, pulsed brightly suddenly, then shot straight upwards at incredible speed, lighting up the clouds as it went through them, and was gone.

It was in the local papers a few days later, and I think even got on the local news. Being over a main road, a lot of people had seen it, and many stopped to watch it, all seeing the same thing we did.

No idea what it was, but of course that's where the U comes from.
I honestly don't believe there is a single compelling piece of evidence that points to independently evolved beings from other planets being the cause of unidentified aerial objects. It is and always has been literal science fiction.
I honestly don't believe there is a single compelling piece of evidence that points to independently evolved beings from other planets being the cause of unidentified aerial objects. It is and always has been literal science fiction.
Well no, then they wouldn't be 'unidentified'.

Super advanced technology far beyond our current capabilities is however one of the most likely explanations for many of these reports, as believed by many of the very high ranking and otherwise sensible and reliable organisations that have investigated them.

Whether you think that technology is Aliens, time travel, extra dimensional beings or just that some country has ridiculously more advanced tech than even most of the US military, intelligence and scientific communities can even fathom, is the realm of speculation.

If this is all jist natural phenomenon, then that's almost scarier, because that means our fundamental understanding of how the universe works is at the very least painfully ignorant of very large and important facts, or basically little more than science fiction itself.
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Well no, then they wouldn't be 'unidentified'.

What? I am aware we haven't positively identified UFO's as anything. I said I don't think there is any compelling reason to think aliens are behind them.

Super advanced technology far beyond our current capabilities is however one of the most likely explanations for many of these reports, as believed by many of the very high ranking and otherwise sensible and reliable organisations that have investigated them.

"Super advanced technology we can't imagine or explain is the most likely explanation for visual phenomenon we can't explain" lmao

If this is all jist natural phenomenon...that means our fundamental understanding of how the universe works is at the very least painfully ignorant of very large and important facts

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Russian government's interest in UFOs shown in documents​

MYSTERY WIRE — Americans are learning more by the week about secret pentagon investigations of the UFO mystery, but what about other world powers such as Russia?

Back in the '90s, Mystery Wire reporter George Knapp made two fact finding trips to the former USSR.

As in the U.S., the Russian military spent decades downplaying and dismissing the UFO mystery.

Private citizens were discouraged from openly discussing flying saucers but behind the scenes, the Russian Ministry of Defense conducted what might be the largest government study of UFOs in world history.

An order was given by the Ministry of Defense that every UFO incident must be fully investigated. Thousands of cases poured in over ten years, including videos and photographs.

In 1993 and again in 1996, Knapp traveled to Russia, met with former defense officials, and gained access to hundreds of pages of once classified UFO materials.

At the time, Colonel Boris Sokolov was in charge of the Ministry of Defense study for ten years. He said there were 40 incidents where Russian warplanes chased UFOs resulting in three of those planes crashing and two of the pilots being killed.

Knapp also met with the longtime commander of Russia's air defense system who confirmed he had ordered Russia's air force to stand down, and refrain from firing on or otherwise engaging with UFOs over Russian airspace.

George Knapp produced three reports on the Russian UFO investigations in April 1996 on KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, NV. You can watch two of them below, along with the transcript. Mystery wire will be publishing the third later this week.

Transcript of the story above:
March 1991, radar the Leningrad airport detects first one, then two, then three unidentified objects hovering over a nuclear plant from a dead stop the UFOs zipped away at 2000 miles per hour.
The Urals, 1976, a photographer clicks this shot and later provides a more detailed drawing.
May 1992, a military team in the Kola Peninsula tapes this spinning object.
In Tbilisi, a crew shooting a music video spots this overhead.
Today average Russians are free to discuss UFOs but it wasn't always so.
Through the 50s and 60s, the Kremlin declared UFOs a capitalist creation, thus a non topic but behind the scenes, Stalin and other leaders authorized secret UFO studies.
Retired colonel Bora Sokolov commanded such a study for 10 years, the entire Russian military took part, 1000s of reports were generated, but were kept secret until 1993.
When Sokoloff first spoke to us, the study included 40 incidents of Russian warplanes and encountering UFOs.
One MIG had its wing damaged in a collision with a UFO.
This former pilot says a UFO disabled his plane with a beam of light.
In 1982, a UFO hovered over a nuclear missile base in the Ukraine for hours unexplainably codes were entered and the missiles were ready for launch until the UFO vanished.
General Igor Maltsev, for seven years commander of the entire Soviet air defense system, recalls a UFO flap over Moscow in 1990.
Hundreds of visual and radar observations by military personnel Maltsev confirms his standing order was don't fire on the UFOs.
But he declined to say much else. His boss, the former Deputy Defense Minister, declined to speak altogether under orders and even Sokolov is now reluctant to talk in part because he was attacked in communist newspapers following our 1993 interview.
There was more than one kind of chill in the Moscow era these days.
With the double political whammy of the revived communists and the scary nationalists the Russian government needs a UFO expose like it needs a red white and blue paint job on the Kremlin.
Science has received the message, individuals and the Russian Academy are now downplaying their long term studies of UFOs.
Oddly the KGB has opened up including a release of this long secret film of a UFO. KGB adds it has no ongoing interest in flying saucers, although it does have several hundred files.
For the record I don't believe in aliens from other planets, but this kind of stuff is relevant to my interests.

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What? I am aware we haven't positively identified UFO's as anything. I said I don't think there is any compelling reason to think aliens are behind them.

"Super advanced technology we can't imagine or explain is the most likely explanation for visual phenomenon we can't explain" lmao

There's been enough official reports, documents, and credible witness statements come out over the last few years, most notably from the military, that many of these things are more than just lights, and visual phenomenon, but that have clear, solid shapes and a physical presence that affects the environment around them, reacts intelligently and evasively to aircraft, and even, according to some official documents, leave behind physical evidence and materials that are vastly more likely to be of deliberate, manufactured design, rather than simply being unknown natural occurrences that don't obey the laws of physics as we know them.

I'm not even arguing they're aliens. I think it's far more likely these are some sort of advance secret drone technology we don't know about. But we're well passed the point where I can take that these things are just whatever the modern equivelant of 'swamp gas' seriously.

Natural phenomenon does not regularly buzz military vessels, hover about for hours on end, then fly away at ridiculously high speeds when aircraft approach them.
There's been enough official reports, documents, and credible witness statements come out over the last few years, most notably from the military, that many of these things are more than just lights, and visual phenomenon, but that have clear, solid shapes and a physical presence that affects the environment around them, reacts intelligently and evasively to aircraft, and even, according to some official documents, leave behind physical evidence and materials that are vastly more likely to be of deliberate, manufactured design, rather than simply being unknown natural occurrences that don't obey the laws of physics as we know them.

None of this strongly implies specific types of beings which there is absolutely no hard evidence for. I personally have just as easy a time (easier really) believing in demonic/paranormal explanations as I do the ones involving aliens, they are both unproven and if we're being honest one of them has far more historical support than the other, aliens are a relatively modern creation. The only reason we see this as more likely now is because of the preponderance of aliens in our entertainment (and increasingly, educational) media and our downplaying of the supernatural/spiritual, not because of any specific reasons that were discovered to suggest one over the other.

What is the best piece of evidence you are aware of that indicates a high probability of independently evolved beings coming here. Again, you said this was highly likely to be the best explanation, I remain dubious as to that statement. I'm not confident abiogenesis has been adequately explained, here on earth, let alone anywhere else.
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It's actually really funny to think that when the X-Files came out, Mulder was the crazy one for believing in aliens. The prevailing opinions among his peers were that the things Mulder "wanted to believe" were unproven science fiction. Yes this was television, but it seemed like a fairly good representation of the way the situation was in the real world - the establishment had no evidence for extra terrestrials and if you thought they did you were a nut. Average media consuming people wanted to believe, but they weren't being compelled to believe by anything other than media.

Mulder's thinking, government conspiracies aside, is literally now the default position. If you deny Drake's equation, you're anti-science. How could there not be life out there, science now claims lol. What changed? A few declassified reports here, a video or two there, we're still where we were in the 90's essentially, but now a majority of people believes.
None of this strongly implies specific types of beings which there is absolutely no hard evidence for. I personally have just as easy a time (easier really) believing in demonic/paranormal explanations as I do the ones involving aliens, they are both unproven and if we're being honest one of them has far more historical support than the other, aliens are a relatively modern creation. The only reason we see this as more likely now is because of the preponderance of aliens in our entertainment (and increasingly, educational) media and our downplaying of the supernatural/spiritual, not because of any specific reasons that were discovered to suggest one over the other.

What is the best piece of evidence you are aware of that indicates a high probability of independently evolved beings coming here. Again, you said this was highly likely to be the best explanation, I remain dubious as to that statement. I'm not confident abiogenesis has been adequately explained, here on earth, let alone anywhere else.
I never argued that. I simply argued that there's too much evidence of some form of intelligence and design behind them, for them to be explained as a natural phenomenon.

I think they're drones. Some very advanced tech even most high ranking military officers aren't privy to the existence of, but ultimately man made.
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I never argued that. I simply argued that there's too much evidence of some form of intelligence and design behind them, for them to be explained as a natural phenomenon.

Apologies for misinterpreting your position, it wasn't a stretch to interpret what you were saying as being delivered in support of the alien hypothesis since you didn't mention what you believed.

I like the man made technology theory a little better than the "historically brand new and completely unproven form of life builds better tech than we do somewhere" notion, but it just doesn't feel true to me, for whatever that's worth lol. I'm fully able to believe in governmental conspiracies of that nature but if I were a betting man I would not wager all of these things to be the product of humans.
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I like sharing this UFO video, most people do not think of ones like this when they think of UFOs

Timestamped at 14 ish minutes, by 16 minutes it's mutated into god knows what
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For the record I don't believe in aliens from other planets, but this kind of stuff is relevant to my interests.

You can feel the escalation

If stolen president not elected Biden did a press conference with the Aliens on stage and let them give a speech I would still be highly suspect of Aliens visiting earth.
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I used to be interested in this stuff but when we started getting confirmations (seen in post #2) my interest just died. LOL, I guess I only enjoyed the mystery.
I used to be interested in this stuff but when we started getting confirmations (seen in post #2) my interest just died. LOL, I guess I only enjoyed the mystery.
My interest piqued with all this but it still isn't enough imo.

A 2018 report published by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) shows the lengths America's premier space agency is willing to consider when proving the existence of intelligent alien life.

Entitled NASA and The Search For Technosignatures, the 70-page document details all of the various ways space scientists considered intelligent extraterrestrial life might be located during NASA's Technosignatures Workshop, hosted in Houston, Texas, September 26-28, 2018.

Numerous novel methods for detecting traces of advanced alien technology are discussed in the report. Yet one section is particularly intriguing.

Described as "interlopers," NASA scientists discussed the potential for extraterrestrial probes to not only travel through our planetary neighborhood but also to have accidentally or intentionally landed on one or more planets or numerous natural satellites in our solar system. Even more striking, NASA says explicitly, "it is even possible that the Earth itself hosts such artifacts."

While the topic of crashed alien technology is marred by unscientific lore, a growing number of scientists are saying the proof of alien life could be closer to home than we realize.

"Yes, I think the idea of searching our solar neighborhood for evidence of extraterrestrial technology is worth doing," astrobiologist and research scientist at Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, Dr. Jacob Haqq-Misra, told The Debrief. "We do not know how prevalent life or technology is in our galaxy, and so we cannot easily assign any probabilities to say that technology is more or less likely on an exoplanet versus in our solar system."


For over five decades, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence has almost exclusively focused on monitoring the sky for signals that could represent a distant advanced alien civilization. However, for as many years, scientists have quietly discussed the possibility that evidence for advanced alien life could be closer than we realize in the form of relics or artifacts.

Largely thanks to technological advances, in recent years, a handful of scientists have slowly started coming forward and saying that the hunt for nearby alien relics is something that merits serious consideration.

In 2011, physicist Dr. Paul Davies and researcher Robert Wagner of Arizona State University authored a paper proposing that photographic mapping captured by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter could be used to search for possible alien artifacts on the surface of the Moon.

Speaking with The Debrief, Dr. Davies explained the conditions on the Moon are ideal for preserving trace evidence of artificial influence or alien artifacts.

"The Moon is almost inert, and so objects and features on the surface are preserved for an immense duration. Eventually, the material thrown up by meteor impacts erases records, but a large object on the Moon might remain detectable for tens of millions of years," said Dr. Davies, who also authored the book: The Eerie Silence: Are We Alone in the Universe?

Dr. Haqq-Misra also points out that NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has captured equally voluminous numbers of high-resolution images of Mars. "There are thousands of such images, and so it is possible that an anomalous artifact could be captured in such images without anybody noticing yet," explained Dr. Haqq-Misra.

Outside of the Moon and Mars, scientists know even less about the surfaces of other bodies in our solar system.

In a 2012 paper entitled: On the Likelihood of Non-Terrestrial Artifacts in the Solar System, Dr. Haqq-Misra and NASA physicist Dr. Ravi Kumar Kopparapu said the lack of complete analysis ultimately makes it impossible to say just how likely it is or isn't that alien technology could be lying about in our celestial neighborhood. "We cannot place very strong limits on the absence of extraterrestrial technology in the solar system until we perform more complete analyses to rule out such possibilities," said Dr. Haqq-Misra.

Dr. Haqq-Misra points to advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning as ways that might help the search for anomalies in existing surface imagery.

One such technique, discussed in a paper published in early 2020, showed that researchers could successfully apply unsupervised distributed machine learning to detect surface anomalies in remote sensing and space science. "This approach could conceivably detect artifacts on the surface of the Moon that would not have been easily noticed by naked eye analysis," explains Dr. Haqq-Misra.

"One way to check such algorithms is to ensure that they can find the original Apollo landing site, which I believe this algorithm succeeds at. However, any artifacts that are camouflaged or covered in dust would not be possible to detect through such machine learning analysis," Dr. Haqq-Misra cautions.

Anyways there's more to this article but it took me nearly 10 minutes copy and paste text from that website due to all the ads on there slowing my phone down. So I gave up halfway.

This is why I'm unable to do "OT" threads here.
I missed this one in 2018. Two different video angles, pretty gnarly. Especially with the triangle pentagon video.

I missed this one in 2018. Two different video angles, pretty gnarly. Especially with the triangle pentagon video.

Anyway I can see the exact same video on Youtube from Daily Star? Having a hard time playing it on the site.
we're the aliens / artificial intelligence, that's the way i've always seen things

we should take the world from another point of view which is that of an alien, not (to) necessarily be completely bayesian on bases of probability arguments or strange sightings run through gadgets and gizmos which don't always give a clear picture of what's happening because instrumentation is pretty fruity in the best of cases like the pentagon's recently unclassified videos recorded by navy pilots

some faster than light communication may already be happening tho, might be wiggle room for information to compress and bend across vast distances, leapfrogging current understandings of entanglement and other such things

'i'm fragile but not that fragile', as the lady protests
This Sunday on Coast to Coast AM is gonna be a real banger.

Skinwalker Ranch, one of my favorites plus Navy UFO sightings confirmed by the military. Best part is it's hosted by George Knapp, who is in my opinion, the absolute best when it comes to hosts and expert on these subjects who takes it seriously. He's also a local and all-out legit guy.

This Sunday on Coast to Coast AM is gonna be a real banger.

Skinwalker Ranch, one of my favorites plus Navy UFO sightings confirmed by the military. Best part is it's hosted by George Knapp, who is in my opinion, the absolute best when it comes to hosts and expert on these subjects who takes it seriously. He's also a local and all-out legit guy.

Coast to Coast AM is really good tonight.

Tune in now live.

Be aware the first half of the show is over right now, which was also awesome.
What a great show last night on Coast to Coast AM.

Loved the Skinwalker stuff and as for the second half, Jeremy Corbell hit it out of the park as usual.

George Knapp is also the best. Class act.

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