Thread: Star Wars Outlaws Thread |OT| Ubi shot first
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Slightly but as I said in my posts Star Wars is close to a dead IP and might even be toxic.
Its not popular. No one talks about star wars. No one buys star wars merch. After the last 2 movies and Disney+ shows the IP has gone back to the dark days.

Maybe in certain internet echo chambers, but what I see anecdotally out on the street, in stores, through family/friends/etc, this may not be the case. People still like Star Wars. Lots of kids still like Star Wars, so it's not JUST nostalgia driven.

But Disney still done fucked up, and they're on MUCH thinner ice than they used to be, that's for sure.
Maybe in certain internet echo chambers, but what I see anecdotally out on the street, in stores, through family/friends/etc, this may not be the case. People still like Star Wars. Lots of kids still like Star Wars, so it's not JUST nostalgia driven.

But Disney still done fucked up, and they're on MUCH thinner ice than they used to be, that's for sure.

How many kids are fans of Star Wars that don't have parents that were already Star Wars fans? Disney probably figured out they can't independently attract kids to the SW brand, so they need to up the nostalgia content for the parents and get them to drag their kids into the fandom.

Anecdotally with my nieces, nephews, and friends' kids, there is very little interest in Star Wars at the moment. In the last 5 years, the only new Star Wars thing that seemed to organically attract the kids' interest was the Mando-Baby Yoda thing, but seemed to pass quickly.
How many kids are fans of Star Wars that don't have parents that were already Star Wars fans? Disney probably figured out they can't independently attract kids to the SW brand, so they need to up the nostalgia content for the parents and get them to drag their kids into the fandom.

Anecdotally with my nieces, nephews, and friends' kids, there is very little interest in Star Wars at the moment. In the last 5 years, the only new Star Wars thing that seemed to organically attract the kids' interest was the Mando-Baby Yoda thing, but seemed to pass quickly.

They're out there, kids who are fans organically. Maybe there would be more if Disney wasn't a bunch of asshats. And sure many are "intergenerational" fans so to speak where the parents facilitate it. Put my kids in the latter category I guess. Nevertheless I think it's premature to declare the death of the brand. But they're on the wrong road right now for sure.
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The damage to Star Wars has pretty much only happened under Disney's watch. The prequels hurt the brand but people were still mostly excited about it as an IP. Disney flooded the market with mostly slop and totally fumbled the sequel trilogy.
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The damage to Star Wars has pretty much only happened under Disney's watch. The prequels hurt the brand but people were still mostly excited about it as an IP. Disney flooded the market with mostly slop and totally fumbled the sequel trilogy.

True. And honestly I'm not even sure if the prequels were a net detriment. Maybe for gen X and older millennials, but not for those who were younger that grew up with the prequels. And honestly with the benefit of hindsight the prequels weren't even that bad. They were a hell of a lot better than most of the Disney stuff (which isn't ALL bad mind you... Mando at times, Andor, Jedi games, Rogue One). If Disney had done a good job with the sequel trilogy, any other sins could have been forgiven. But they fucked it up royally.
The damage to Star Wars has pretty much only happened under Disney's watch. The prequels hurt the brand but people were still mostly excited about it as an IP. Disney flooded the market with mostly slop and totally fumbled the sequel trilogy.

The Prequels hurt the brand for old people like me, who watched the OG in cinema back in the day..

But for young lads, it was gold..
Countless kids watched Clone Wars, and loved those characters.

As much as I despise the prequels, I have to acknowledge that kids back in the day loved them.
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Also, why is this character's design so bad? Just a black chick in a coat is the best they could manage? Remember all those crazy bounty hunter designs from the original trilogy for characters that had no dialogue and you never saw ever again? That type of effort seems to be completely dead in the Disney Star Wars

That's just "generic black strong 2024 woman".
I am so tired of that trope.
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There was a lot of merch with the prequels. Clone wars was also very popular and tons of games.
Star wars was huge in the 80s of the backs of the OT. Basically made Kenner toys as a company. Then the Ewoks movie and TV show came out and Star Wars became something for Virgins and losers. It was a rung above Star Trek. There was even a mini feud between trekies and Star wars fans. The stigma was even around during the prequels go watch Triumph roast Star wars fans at the Premier.
It made a comeback with the prequels that Lucas monetized to hell and back. Star wars 1 to 3 the search for more money. Merchandising merchandising merchandising. But the prequels did leave a bad taste and the rise of geek culture and red letter media put a nail in the coffin of Star wars.
When Disney bought it most people were ecstatic and the frenzy was back with the first ST movie. Merch everywhere. BB8s out my ass. It was back. And then just like that KK killed the franchise with DEI and ever since episode 8 it's been downhill. Baby Yoda was a small blip on the radar like a dead cat bounce in crypto.
If it wasn't for Disney's need to milk the shit out of every IP they own it would be dead as a door nail. Like POG beanie babies and ALF. But Disney will keep trying and keep on trying to get boys to watch a woman's power fantasy.
So if I mod her to be less ugly, will I still die of cringe because the game is full of strong female girl bosses?

I dont think so. The trainers are mostly women but you really only talk to them once or twice and then never again. There is a way that Disney tends to portray women that makes them insufferable and I didnt quite get that feeling playing this game. Kay is never portrayed as the best/most smartest person in the room at any point that I can recall
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