Thread: Resident Evil Village Mother Miranda Portrait, Map, and Clearer Promo Image Released


Fox Hound
  1. PC
  2. PlayStation
  3. Nintendo

Capcom is teasing Resident Evil Village with a new Mother Miranda portrait, the map of the village, and a clearer promo image released

The first image is a portrait that gives us our first real look at Mother Miranda — who plays a central part in the story yet the details still remain a mystery. What has been revealed in past trailers is that Lady Dimitrescu has spoken and communicated with MM, and we'll likely find answers once RE Village is released and we play the entire game in full.

The second image is literally a map of the entire village and location the game takes place in — a remote European snowy setting that has a town and a large castle looming above it in the mountains.

Finally, we have a clearer look at the previously released promotional image, which features Ethan Winters, Chris Redfield, Baby Rose, and the still unidentified mysterious enemy that will feature in the game.

Unless Mother Miranda is an even taller, bustier woman, focusing on her as the main villain is going to be a massive let down.
Considering the main villain always turns into some kind of monstrosity, it might save you guys from serious trauma, though.
Considering the main villain always turns into some kind of monstrosity, it might save you guys from serious trauma, though.
I'm still hoping there's a secret join the bad guys ending with her.

Also I'm not going to lie, that leaked video of a cutscene where she and ethan stab one another, kind of did it for me, so as long as there's a lot of similarly at least vaguely sadomasochistic fighting with her, I'll be OK if it ends up with her dissolving into a gooey puddle as I blast my (shotgun) load in her face.
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It's the internet. That's definitely someone's fetish.

If this is out there in the ASMR world, I dare say that there more out there in Rule 34 land

Somewhat ironic though given that ASMRer? is kind of a midget tbh
I usually give zero shits about spoilers but this game I'm trying not to spoil. RE hasn't let me down in a long time. Can't wait to see what my dawg Chris is up to