Thread: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Official Game Reveal & Off Topic
Hype Thread
But yeah, I don't plan to "gum up the OT."

The Grinch Smiling GIF by The Good Films

I'm just playing I don't give a shit. Hope it's a good game.
I watched "Worth a Buy"s stream regarding the controversy and he considers it BS and those extremely anti woke looking for absolutely anything to be controversial over and those with youtube videos over the controversy that's anti woke is their bread and butter now.

I consider "Worth a Buy" to be one of the most trusted gamers so I just pre ordered it.

The video has been taken down due to controversial comments but he said he would try and repost.

Additionally, the woke left hate this studio so remember they will absolutely try and tank non woke games under the pretence of them being woke as it gives them a win, it seems obvious this will be the lefts strategy moving forward.
I watched "Worth a Buy"s stream regarding the controversy and he considers it BS and those extremely anti woke looking for absolutely anything to be controversial over and those with youtube videos over the controversy that's anti woke is their bread and butter now.

I consider "Worth a Buy" to be one of the most trusted gamers so I just pre ordered it.

The video has been taken down due to controversial comments but he said he would try and repost.

Additionally, the woke left hate this studio so remember they will absolutely try and tank non woke games under the pretence of them being woke as it gives them a win, it seems obvious this will be the lefts strategy moving forward.

On point. My view exactly. We are in an age where there is a whole cottage industry of people whose entire focus is to find things for you to get mad about, and they don't give a shit whether what they say has any substance to it, because by then they'll have moved onto the next thing to convince you to get mad about. Some of the shit that's been thrown at Vavra frankly beggars belief. The guy spent over 16 years of his life (from 2009), working on KCD to realise it, bring it to market and make it a success despite an uphill struggle against an extremely left-wing gaming press who were hell-bent on dismissing the project and undermining it solely because of comments he said regarding Gamergate. Even if KCDII comes out swinging and blows away everyone, I still think it won't win at the TGAs because various entities/outlets will vote against it because of that long-standing grudge.

I want the game to succeed because I think Warhorse have proven that they are a capable studio and I'd love to see further titles in that ilk. I don't anticipate there will be a KCD III, as my understanding is that KCD II is effectively the second half of the storyline they originally wanted KCD to be, but it just wasn't possible to deliver on it all in terms of scope within the one game. As such I don't expect that we will see the further adventures of Henry in a new title, but I dare say there might be scope for further DLC beyond the 3 planned, and maybe Warhorse might look to do a remaster of the original title, which I don't think many people would be opposed to. I've been replaying it on and off since Christmas and it really is a delight, and I absolutely love some of the dumb scenarios you can get Henry involved in. I was in Sasau and encountered the Charlatan who had me getting up to all sorts of mischief to help him acquire 'holy Relics' ultimately resulting in me lying to a grieving son in order to steal his father's death shroud. He asked me to bring it to him at night, so I did then an angry mob appeared so he scarpered and I had to hoodwink the mob that I'd been duped or face a mass brawl. . I am progressing the main quest, but the side quests are the juice I find. There is also a lot of dry humour in the interactions as well which I really appreciate.
  • 100%
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I have KCD1, and obviously reordered 2, obviously none of us yet know fully what's in 2, I'm guessing starting with 2 should be fine and might get me to play 1?

I have the same problem with FF7 remake and the new one lol.

Tbh, backlog stuff like this I'll only do on steandeck.
  • Strength
Reactions: Kadayi
I have KCD1, and obviously reordered 2, obviously none of us yet know fully what's in 2, I'm guessing starting with 2 should be fine and might get me to play 1?

I have the same problem with FF7 remake and the new one lol.

Tbh, backlog stuff like this I'll only do on steandeck.

Seeing all of the awesome QOL and gameplay system improvements they made, I think it's going to be quite difficult to go back to KCD1 after playing the second one. You will probably be better suited just watching a story recap.
I have KCD1, and obviously reordered 2, obviously none of us yet know fully what's in 2, I'm guessing starting with 2 should be fine and might get me to play 1?

I have the same problem with FF7 remake and the new one lol.

Tbh, backlog stuff like this I'll only do on steandeck.

Kad posted a story recap video not too far back in this thread and from what I understand, the game also helps fill you in during the beginning. Safe to jump into 2 IMO.

Bc yeah it's not easy to just be like hey let me play this 80 hour game before the new 80 hour game so I don't feel lost!
Kad posted a story recap video not too far back in this thread and from what I understand, the game also helps fill you in during the beginning. Safe to jump into 2 IMO.

Bc yeah it's not easy to just be like hey let me play this 80 hour game before the new 80 hour game so I don't feel lost!

On a gut level, I would recommend everyone to give KCD a go as a game, just as I would recommend Dark Souls because it is a pretty unique gaming experience. However you don't want to rush it, and even though the quest tracker is decent, it's a game where it is important to really listen to what the NPCs say, as you can miss out on important information. Case in point in one quest the NPC told me to report back to them on the regular with my progress, which I failed to do and although I succeeded in the quest they admonished me for not keeping them informed and I lost reputation with them. Also much like Oblivion, KCD is a game that principally rewards the act of doing in order to improve, but it also affords you plenty of opportunity to practice outside of quests to get good and improve your skills if you choose to.

However, with KCD II this close and based on what I've heard about how it explains the previous game events through flashback, I'd recommend just jumping into KCD II and not worrying about attempting to power through KCD beforehand, as it isn't the sort of game you can knock out blind in a week, and though there are plenty of 'git gud' KCD guides out there, I don't think it is the sort of title you want to go feet first in on exploiting too much. It's entirely possible to get up to all sorts of truly exploitative shenanigans in Skalitz for instance, but it can feel antithetical to just playing the game. I'm a min-max gamer by nature who loves to squeeze the pips on any campaign start, but there are some things even I don't get into in the opening area, that others suggest, just because I don't feel they fit the tone of the game, even if the game mechanics allow for it.

If you are determined to play KCD to at least experience some of it I would suggest getting the tutorial out the way and doing some of the early quests in and around the town of Rattay: -
  • This will introduce you to a few core systems and allow you to train under Captain Barnard and learn advanced combat techniques, like combos and master strikes. These are not things he will cover voluntarily, but you can always find him at the training arena during the day and he will instruct you further. You want to practice with Barnard extensively before finding yourself in any real combat.
  • Also train with wooden weapons, as you will fuck up your gear big time if you use real weapons. Wear and tear is a natural bi-product of combat (even training) or running around, so you'll want to invest in some repair kits (armorer, blacksmith, cobbler & tailor), and check on your gear status regularly. Any item above 65% quality status you can manually repair, anything below you will need to take to the applicable vendor, and it usually costs a lot. Swords and Axes you pick up can be sharpened at a grindstone and any repair work will help improve your maintenance skill, and unlocking various useful perks.
  • You'll get a quest from one of the Millers (the KCD equivalent of the thieves guild) to return to Talmberg, however, I wouldn't bother undertaking that one until you at least have a horse and a good few levels under your belt, as it is a very long hike otherwise. You'll earn a horse (Pebbles) through progressing the main storyline, though you can always buy a better one, though it's generally advised from a story perspective to wait until after you acquire pebbles, rather than beforehand.
  • Although early on encumbrance is an issue, you want to ensure you have a spade, torch, bandages and a bit of food (I favour dried fruit or meat) in your inventory on you at all times.
  • With vendors you always want to haggle, as this improves your speech skill and you want to pay more for goods/services to build up your reputation with the local traders. That way later on they will give you better prices in the long term.
  • Although you can sell general goods to the Millers, they don't necessarily get the best prices from them, versus the applicable vendor. You're better off just selling them stolen goods.
  • Stolen goods only stay as stolen for a certain period based on their value, so you can always just keep them in your chest until that expires if you want to wear/use them yourself. You can instantly 'wash' stolen goods through the Millers, but it's a bit of an exploit
  • You'll usually find Inns/Taverns in most of the towns. If you have the cash it's worth paying the flat fee for several nights, that way you have a permanent base to operate out of and access to your universal chest. There's a lot of back and forth returning to locations with various quests and it will also save you having to repeatedly rent a room time and again. Grochen really isn't hard to come by once you know what you are doing.
Down the road if I have the time I might well, do a beginner guide to KCD with my recommendations in terms of tricks and tips that I've learned and picked up along the way.
  • Brain
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Why would anybody jump into KCD2 without playing the first one. Isn't it a very story heavy RPG?
Missing out on all the bugs they will be patching over the next year?

Reports are the game plays extremely well and Warhorse recently dropped a 50GB patch on the reviewer's build which improved things even more. Given the scope of the game, it's fair to say that it is unlikely they have uncovered every bug, however, I don't get the sense based on the previews that bugs are much of a concern.
  • Brain
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Italian Spartacus struggled with original KCD but gives his thoughts on KCD II: -


Watch a sword expert react to Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2! How realistic is Warhorse Studios' latest open-world action RPG? We got sword expert Matt Easton to look at sword vs. sword KCD2 combat, how a mace and shield combo might work, medieval siege warfare, and more Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 gameplay. Matt shares his expertise on how siege warfare was conducted, and how realistic the combat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 really is.

Matt Easton is a Historical European Martial Artist (HEMA), Antique Arms Dealer, and owner of the fencing club Schola Gladiatoria.
  • Strength
Reactions: Kadayi
They handed out review copies of their game a month before release. That screams confidence in their game, what are you know about.

The embargo should have been lifted earlier than the launch so that people could make a more informed decision at launch.At least the weekend before imo
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Looks like the devs want to give reviewers enough time to play the massive game. And to sneak in some more patches.

Which they did actually haha. I was watching a video last night and the dude was talking about a big update that dropped, and there will still be a day 1 update of course. I'm not really sure what's to hate on this all to be honest! They're so confident in their game that they're essentially using reviewers as beta testers to fine tuned the game before launch.

The embargo should have been lifted earlier than the launch so that people could make a more informed decision at launch.At least the weekend before imo

There are a tonne of previews out there from all manner of people across YouTube already, all of whom are pretty happy about the game. Hell the other day Cohncarnage did a 3 hour live stream of the game with the devs and Tom Mckay guesting.

I didn't personally watch it because, although I know certain things as I've seen a tonne of footage from impressions and working on the OT, I do want to go in with a certain amount of freshness to it versus know everything in and out.

Which they did actually haha. I was watching a video last night and the dude was talking about a big update that dropped, and there will still be a day 1 update of course. I'm not really sure what's to hate on this all to be honest! They're so confident in their game that they're essentially using reviewers as beta testers to fine tuned the game before launch.


Yeah, they dropped a big patch already and I bet there will be a day 1 patch also. Remember as well that they brought the game release forward. Originally it was going to be the 11th Feb, now it's the 4th. I don't think they are fretting about poor performance or game-breaking bugs at this stage. Will there be bugs? For sure (which is probably why Hardcore mode isn't in at launch), but I don't get the sense they anticipate widescale issues.

They have a Pride flag in their profile.

Medieval Brokeback Mountain CONFIRMED

Honestly, it's a fugly-looking case, but I dare say someone will be reaching for their wallet to snap a case up.
The embargo should have been lifted earlier than the launch so that people could make a more informed decision at launch.At least the weekend before imo

I mean, people have had the game for a month now. They're releasing updates for the game before release to tighten it up. There's hours and HOURS of videos and commentary out there detailing so much about the game, from combat to how the perks and other game systems work, including an overwhelming majority of them giving positive impressions about the game. Beyond that you've got tons of websites doing their own previews. In an added touch of confidence about their game they even moved the release UP, which is almost unheard of in an industry full of flaky release dates and delays.

What else are you looking for here? Do you need someone to hold your hand and make a decision for you? You honestly can't make a decision on your own based on the piles of data available to you? If not....then wait until release day and check out all the final reviews I guess, but ignoring everything I've pointed out above and going "tut tut tut...I have zero confidence in this game because the reviews aren't out one day before release" is silly.
  • This tbh
Reactions: Kadayi
In KCD the best way to assassinate guards who are awake is to come up behind them when they are sitting down, that way, they're not in a position to rapidly get out of the hold. I suspect the same is still true for KCD II.

This is how I plan to approach combat. The cowards way.
  • Strength
Reactions: Kadayi
This is how I plan to approach combat. The cowards way.

Murdering a few fools using stealth is entirely acceptable. KCD quickly educates you on the brutal realities that wandering into a bandit camp of 5 dudes and trying to take them all on single-handed, even with a shield, early on in the game is a recipe for getting royally rekted. It beats that sort of D&D mindset out of you pretty quickly. In one part of the main quest in KCD, I ended up in a 4-on-1 situation. There was the option to talk my way out of it, but I was determined to fight them all. I managed to do it in the end, but only by retreating into a windmill so they couldn't flank me. I still took a right beating in the process, and I was pretty tooled up.
  • Hell Yeah!
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