Thread: I Have No Idea If Chloe Moretz Is Attractive


Planet Killing Feet
Black Holes are easier to understand than this thing... what the hell am I looking at?







Some of these images maybe have been altered to make her look more feminine.
No hips = no go. There's a conspiracy that all these Hollywood actresses are really trannies, they got some term for them but I can't remember it. When I see ones like this I can't help but wonder.... Anyways, it's a no from me. Now Emma Watson ?
No hips = no go. There's a conspiracy that all these Hollywood actresses are really trannies, they got some term for them but I can't remember it. When I see ones like this I can't help but wonder.... Anyways, it's a no from me. Now Emma Watson ?
she has no anything... no hips, no tits... huge snarly feet... a jawline that would make Drago proud... and probably superhuman strength.
No hips, no tits no curves no nothing.
And her face is super assymetric. Disturbingly so, almost toxic-avenger levels of assymetric face.

Only wanking happening to this face would be if brap gets desperate (and drunk).
Would never happen.
Without wanting to sound weird, she was a pretty girl that got absolutely buggered by puberty, to the point I suspect she has some sort of drug problem, either on the test, dieting pills or good old narcotics, but something more than just becoming an adult did a number on her frame and bone structure that is far from normal.
She has no curves or development. She never went through puberty.
She looks like a young child and has a young childs body, just scaled up to adult size for some weird mysterical reason.

Am0rix would get hard. And that is why he is in jail, waiting to be beaten to death by another inmate.