Thread: Gaming Memes |OT| My Uncle Works At Memetendo
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I feel like I should understand this, but I don't. Can someone please explain?

I assume it's a joke about the old days of music stealing. You'd use Kazaa or Napster or Audiogalaxy and could very easily accidentally download a horrible virus that ruins your family's $2500 Packard Bell that would cost $5100 in today's money and then your dad would start drinking and beating your mom.
Because the best devs work on consoles and PC just gets trash?

No. Consoles were once peak home gaming, hardware power wise. Then the market shifted and they featured mid tier laptop hardware, with the PC pushing far ahead. But games being developed for the hardware constraints of the weak consoles first, and worst case, even their predecessors.

Which is understandable, consoles hit the perfect price to power ratio for the mass market. Making advancements slower.
No. Consoles were once peak home gaming, hardware power wise. Then the market shifted and they featured mid tier laptop hardware, with the PC pushing far ahead. But games being developed for the hardware constraints of the weak consoles first, and worst case, even their predecessors.

Which is understandable, consoles hit the perfect price to power ratio for the mass market. Making advancements slower.

Sure, but that doesn't explain why the best looking games are on consoles. Usually PS5/Pro. PC devs are trash. They have the power and they don't use it because they're focused on technical achievements and ignore the artistic ones.
Sure, but that doesn't explain why the best looking games are on consoles. Usually PS5/Pro. PC devs are trash. They have the power and they don't use it because they're focused on technical achievements and ignore the artistic ones.

The aren't high caliber triple A PC only devs anymore. What are you meaning with "they focus on technical achievements"? I can't think of a PC exclusive that does that.

And practically all games from Sony (with only few exceptions) and Microsoft can be played on PC nowadays, with those versions having the best visuals and performance, sometimes by a very significant margin. Like Indiana Jones with the Full RT mode that's exclusive to PCs.

Don't know what planet you're living on when you're saying the best looking games are on consoles.
The aren't high caliber triple A PC only devs anymore. What are you meaning with "they focus on technical achievements"? I can't think of a PC exclusive that does that.

And practically all games from Sony (with only few exceptions) and Microsoft can be played on PC nowadays, with those versions having the best visuals and performance, sometimes by a very significant margin. Like Indiana Jones with the Full RT mode that's exclusive to PCs.

Don't know what planet you're living on when you're saying the best looking games are on consoles.

The best devs are working on consoles. The PC gets ports later and finally has good looking games when they do.
  • This tbh
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The best devs are working on consoles. The PC gets ports later and finally has good looking games when they do.

What devs do you mean, specifically?

Because the vast majority of games don't have "ports" anymore, the console architectures are the same as PC. Vast majority of games are developed for all platforms at the same time because they're similar. All multiplatform games and Xbox games release on consoles and PC at the same time.

"The best devs are working on consoles" makes no sense for that reason, consoles are basically locked down PCs, based on the x86 architecture.

Only if you take Sony exclusives, those need ports. So I guess Sony devs = the best devs, and no other?

Oh and the best looking game of the year... Indiana Jones on PC with full RT, lead platform PC btw.