Thread: Drinking the shower water - which one of you freaks does this?


Permission to suckle
I always see this in movies and shows when there is a shower scene. The character purposely drinks the shower water while showering.

It grosses me out every time and makes me wonder how many people out there do this shit.


Fess up - you're anonymous on the internet and it's not like this is as bad as having a foot fetish or something.
I mean, I would have some to just rinse my mouth or something, but drink it down my throat? na, I'm not into that. but I don't think it's really that bad if you're sure the water is clean and what not.
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I brush my teeth in the shower so I use the water to rinse my mouth, but I don't drink it.

Better question, I think, is who pee's in the shower?
I do.
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It just seems gross. I don't know if there's a legit reason for that, but something tells me very strongly that shower water is not for drinking.
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I've never even thought of drinking shower water before.

I mean I guess it's not really unsanitary, but it still elicits a gross reaction because our minds associate that water in that environment with cleaning grime off your body.
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I brush my teeth in the shower so I use the water to rinse my mouth, but I don't drink it.

Better question, I think, is who pee's in the shower?
I do.
Peeing in the shower is great, but the water that's coming out is the same water that goes to your toilet. Why would you want that in your mouth?

Also, don't rinse after brushing! The toothpaste is meant to stay on your teeth for a while. Just spit and walk away like you do at the gay clubs!
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Why is it gross? What makes you feel it is different water than out of the kitchen faucet? Here in American the hot water is not nasty like it use to be in Europe.
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I have no problem with drinking shower water other than its warm. Im not drinking it but I see no difference between shower and sink water. I recently finished renovating our house and confirm the pipes that feed each pipe to the house and barn are from the same government pipe.

Having said all that we generally only drink bottles water for the kids and my wife and I drink tap water through a filtered water jug.

We also have a well which is drinkable but we don't use it, it's an emergency thing...also it's been here as long as the house, which is 118 years
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The water is clean, there is nothing wrong with it, but the fact that is is very warm. I don't like the taste of warm water.
I can drink it if I need to or would die from dehydration, but otherwise I will wait until the shower is over and I can go to the kitchen and get some cold water from a pitcher in the fridge.

Anyone that likes to drink warm water is a degenerate. Should not be around farm animals unsupervised.
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Honestly I can't recall if I have, but knowing me being a filthy barbarian I probably have.
You disgusting motherfuckers disgust me!
Absofuckinlutely disgusting filth!!

Who the fuck showers?? Use the local lake, you fucking disgusting degenerate fuckin shits!!
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It just seems gross. I don't know if there's a legit reason for that, but something tells me very strongly that shower water is not for drinking.
Only if you live in America.
In euroland, everyone drinks from the tap. I just can't imagine buying bottled water. I was shocked to learn that people buy bottled water in USA. But water there is shit so it's ok.
Our water is extremely pure. I don't drink from the shower but I drink from the tap, which is essentially the same water. I see no harm in it if the water quality is good.
Only if you live in America.
In euroland, everyone drinks from the tap. I just can't imagine buying bottled water. I was shocked to learn that people buy bottled water in USA. But water there is shit so it's ok.
Our water is extremely pure. I don't drink from the shower but I drink from the tap, which is essentially the same water. I see no harm in it if the water quality is good.
Lots of us buy filters. It filters the gross stuff out of the water.

I'd be very interested in finding out if your tap water is as clean as you think it is or if it's just what all you dirty heathens tell each other to feel better about drinking straight from 100+ year old pipes.
Lots of us buy filters. It filters the gross stuff out of the water.

I'd be very interested in finding out if your tap water is as clean as you think it is or if it's just what all you dirty heathens tell each other to feel better about drinking straight from 100+ year old pipes.
Bitch please. Seriously, our water is extremely pure.

Luckily, Croatia doesn't have drinking water crisis, which for many countries has become an enormous ecological problem. Croatia has high-quality water and it is among 30 richest countries in the world in terms of water resources. The country belongs to a very small group of countries that don't currently have a drinking water problem.

Croatians can safely drink water from faucets while most European citizens use tap water only for hygiene.

Only 5% of water samples in Croatia yield results bad enough to ban drinking from the tap. Residents are usually informed of any risk promptly. Everyone plugged into the public water system has access to completely safe tap water. The tap water safety is monitored by the Croatian Institute for Public Health in co-operation with County Institutes on a regular basis.
Shower water is same as any water from my well. Sorry if you have shitty water I guess. Explain how it's gross unless you only drink bottle water?