Thread: Do you wash your 🍌?

Do you wash you fruits and vegetables?

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So DP'.

Serious question. This is on my mind for quite a while and I think I found the right platform where I can get some honest answers.

after you buy your fruits and vegetables do you wash them before eating/when you come home?

I do, just some clean water on it, and some people are asking me why I do it lol - because well i just feel they are clean of chemicals/pesticides/dirt and so on.
they only do it when there's dirt on them

What i wash?
apples, berries, cherries, grapes, tomatoes cucumbers, pepper bells, carrots and so on I wash them.

Some I don't wash
bananas, pineapples, oranges, onions, avocados,.. and all the shit you basically peel off.

please tell me I'm not the weirdo here.
You ain't mad. I would say that is pretty normal, hell even recommendable behavior.

Especially as I like to munch raw veg quite a lot and I wouldn't trust the hygiene standards of strangers.

There's a reason why I grow as much of my own food as possible, and thoroughly wash the rest.

As someone who worked as a Biochemical Analyst for a decade, specifically testing food for contaminants, everyone should 100% be washing their fruit and veg before eating it.

Even if you don't care about microbes, then the fuckton of pesticides and preservatives basically all fresh produce is practically bathed in, even those claiming to be organic, is horrifying when you're looking at the numbers from a mass spectrometer.

This shit will vastly raise your likelihood of getting cancer and weaken your immune system, but it is amazing how just a few seconds rubbing the surface under running water will remove the vast majority of it.

This is also speaking only of UK foods, which have stricter contaminants regulations. Having tested American foods, I'd recommend you yanks both wash everything twice, and then thoroughly cook it before you eat it.
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I never buy loose vegetables or fruit. Frozen or packaged only. I always wash packed fruit and vegetables under warm water. The thought of buying food items that have been touched by members of the public doesn't sit well with me.
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I wash everything just in case. Even if its something you only eat whats inside of it, you don't know how many people touched it before you.
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They at least get a solid rinse. Other people have had their nasty hands on it probably at the market.
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Yeah, same as you. Definitely rinse/wash stuff you eat as is and doesn't come in a package, but not stuff you peel.
Right after buying No, but I almost always do before using or eating.
They eventually get washed but I'm smart enough to do it when I use it, hell I'm not doing more work than needed.
Why do you wash your 🥒 and 🥕, are you one of those weirdos that eats cucumbers and carrots with the peel on ?
I don't do the cooking, so I don't know. I'm not dead and I haven't acquired superpowers, so probably? I guess?
I do if I think about it, it's not my instinctual behavior to do it though which should probably change but that takes time.
A few seconds of rinse before eating.
I wonder though, why these fuckers cannot wash the fruits (aka their product) before delivering them.
They would go off faster and not be able to be stored in warehouses as long as they are, let alone sit looking tastey on shelves for a week.
It does kinda make me laugh a little bit in an evolutionary sort of way that we can get to a point in our society where we no longer have to forage for these fruits and berries, they are in stacks ready to be purchased, and we are annoyed that we have to run them under our unlimited supply of clean water for 10 seconds before eating them.
  • This tbh
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It does kinda make me laugh a little bit in an evolutionary sort of way that we can get to a point in our society where we no longer have to forage for these fruits and berries, they are in stacks ready to be purchased, and we are annoyed that we have to run them under our unlimited supply of clean water for 10 seconds before eating them.
How is that laughable when we are living in a world with supercomputers in our pockets and access to all the wisdom of the world for everybody all the time.
How is that laughable when we are living in a world with supercomputers in our pockets and access to all the wisdom of the world for everybody all the time.
You don't like thinking about that kinda stuff sometimes? I do. It's just funny to me how much we all take for granted. It wasn't some personal attack on you or anything, I'm laughing at myself too.

I just imagine our ancestors from hundreds of years ago seeing us talking about how we wished we didn't have to spend 10 seconds cleaning off our grapes and that shit is funny.
If it's peel'able, then no, but otherwise I'll give it a good rinsing. You never know how many weirdos picked up and handled your fruit/veggie before you bought. Thinking of all them nasty-ass hands, tho, makes me want to do a more thorough job of it next time. :censored:
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Yes, but I likely miss a few veggies here and there. I don't bother with anything that gets peeled.