Thread: Do we need an Equity and Inclusion Czar on D-Pad?


Maybe a mod who makes sure whites and near-whites aren't monopolizing thread creation and community conversations. They could also ensure reactions are distributed equitably. It's no secret that what we consider reaction-worthy is mostly rooted in white culture.

I just want to make sure D-Pad is a conscientious observer of inclusive and equitable practices.

I would hate for something to happen to this forum if we fail to take the proper precautions.

I nominate @Nymphae.
I nominate myself, I am white but I feel just super terrible about it.
You might be unsuitable though ExpandKong because you are appropriating donkey kong culture with your avatar. It may seem funny but all those big monkeys in zoos are being misrepresented by your adaptation of their cultural practices.
Only if he/she gets to wear this dress:
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I'll do it. I have certifications in radical racial equality. I need a down payment worth three houses though and I won't do shit for the black community
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We should probably enable some kind of posting passport that has our race and sexuality labeled clearly under every post.
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The lack of real ideas to achieve equity and inclusion is clearly a sign of all of you not wanting any of it. Fuck your system of oppression, bigots. I can't believe that there has been a focus on stupid stuff like prefix discussions, while ignoring the issues at hand. Unbelievable that in this day and age, there is no concept for equity and inclusion. How do you expect this site to grow?

We clearly need:

- A table which calculates values for victimhood and oppression for every user, based on skin color, heritage, disabilities, group identities, gender, sexuality, belief systems.

- In the end, there will be two categories in which the users fall, with a number indicating the points in that category. It will look like this:
Oppressed (+15)
Priviledged (+5)

Higher number means more oppressed / more priviledged.

- That calculation and the factors that influence these values are only being defined by the mods, are not public and are changing all the time.

- That score is being displayed right under the user name, like this:
Priviledged (+7)

- Affirmative action and prioritization regarding OT creation. For example:
If a "priviledged" user wants to create an OT and claims it, all members with "oppressed" staus will be notified and have the right to claim it instead. With members having the higher "oppressed" score being prioritized.

- Equity in content creation. In every thread that reaches more than 10 posts, a minority quota will kick in. So if only people with the "priviledged" status have posted, more "priviledged" posts will be blocked until there are more posts from "oppressed" users.

- "Priviledged" users only receive 40% of their reaction scores. The other 60% will be equally distributed between the "oppressed" users.

- Unlocked achievements for users with the "oppressed" status actually increase their oppressed score. While users with "priviledged" status will increase their priviledged score when unlocking achievements.

- If a "priviledged" user offends anyone by standards that aren't defined, he will be perma banned immediately.

- If users with an "oppressed" status violate the site rules, the "priviledged" members will get warnings for making them do it and need to apologize.

This should be the starting point. Please contribute your own thoughts and ideas. Lets make this a great and just place.

You cunts.
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I nominate myself, everyone will give me every upvote, reaction and item they own. I will then make sure I distribute it all equally.

Obviously keeping enough to build myself a winter palace and be top in every metric to compensate me for my hard work.

Simplicity comrade!
The lack of real ideas to achieve equity and inclusion is clearly a sign of all of you not wanting any of it. Fuck your system of oppression, bigots. I can't believe that there has been a focus on stupid stuff like prefix discussions, while ignoring the issues at hand. Unbelievable that in this day and age, there is no concept for equity and inclusion. How do you expect this site to grow?

We clearly need:

- A table which calculates values for victimhood and oppression for every user, based on skin color, heritage, disabilities, group identities, gender, sexuality, belief systems.

- In the end, there will be two categories in which the users fall, with a number indicating the points in that category. It will look like this:
Oppressed (+15)
Priviledged (+5)

Higher number means more oppressed / more priviledged.

- That calculation and the factors that influence these values are only being defined by the mods, are not public and are changing all the time.

- That score is being displayed right under the user name, like this:
Priviledged (+7)

- Affirmative action and prioritization regarding OT creation. For example:
If a "priviledged" user wants to create an OT and claims it, all members with "oppressed" staus will be notified and have the right to claim it instead. With members having the higher "oppressed" score being prioritized.

- Equity in content creation. In every thread that reaches more than 10 posts, a minority quota will kick in. So if only people with the "priviledged" status have posted, more "priviledged" posts will be blocked until there are more posts from "oppressed" users.

- "Priviledged" users only receive 40% of their reaction scores. The other 60% will be equally distributed between the "oppressed" users.

- Unlocked achievements for users with the "oppressed" status actually increase their oppressed score. While users with "priviledged" status will increase their priviledged score when unlocking achievements.

- If a "priviledged" user offends anyone by standards that aren't defined, he will be perma banned immediately.

- If users with an "oppressed" status violate the site rules, the "priviledged" members will get warnings for making them do it and need to apologize.

This should be the starting point. Please contribute your own thoughts and ideas. Lets make this a great and just place.

You cunts.
A victim-status "handicap".. intriguing
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Reactions: regawdless
Can we not have any of this equity and inclusion bollocks here? Do we really want this forum to become like ResetEra or what GAf has become?