Thread: Castlevania Advance collection pops up at another ratings board



Usually just one of these rating board leaks is a pretty solid confirmation, but this definitely looks like it's happening.

Depending on platforms and release dates, it should be a fun time for GBA fans this upcoming half year, with 2D Metroid, Advance Wars, Warioware, and Castlevania releases all incoming. It's almost a little bizarre.
I haven't played these games since they released so I'm all in. Great point about all the GBA games too, I hadn't really thought about it but you're right, we've got a mini-revival scene going on.
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I'm not a huge fan of Soma as a character, but the games are good. Now just announce a PSN version and I'll be happy.
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Friendly reminder that the 3 GBA Castlevania games are available on the God-tier console called Wii U.
