Thread: BPM: Bullets Per Minute for PS4, Xbox One launches this summer


Fox Hound
  1. PC
  2. PlayStation
  3. Nintendo

The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions rhythm-based shooter BPM: Bullets Per Minute will launch this summer, publisher Playtonic Friends and developer Awe Interactive announced.

BPM: Bullets Per Minute first launched for PC via Steam in September 2020.

The console versions of BPM: Bullets Per Minute will ship with all of the additional content that has been added to the PC version post-launch, including five new characters, three new weapons, a new chapter with unique enemies, two new difficulty settings, and a mixture of new items, achievements, and tweaks.

Oh yeah, I'm in. I loved the rhythm mashup of Crypt of the Necrodancer and Cadence of Hyrule, and I love the cheesy over-the-top roguelike Serious Sam clone subgenre, too.
I really wanted to play this but due to GPU nonsense I havent been able to. Will check out the console version.